She had a thing for Americans. She grew up in a Taipei slum. Her parents couldn’t afford a scooter. …
I was thinking about writing a book. I know nothing of Taiwan though. If you could write a book or want to write a book. What would it be about? This is one start to a book if I was going to write one.
What would it be? What would this girls life be.?
Of course, your life would have to come to it somehow… . (we can only write what we know about)
How would you write your life or a book, maybe a vlog. or a journal? Do you have a way to communicate with others that is just sitting in the darkness. I think there are some writers on forumosa that just haven’t begun taking their fruit.
I wanted to write a book but I didn’t, life just came at me too quick and it didn’t slow down.
I would encourage you to follow your dream with all your might. I have heard people saying the same thing before, but it was nothing but velleity. I would suggest that you start with a few topics and editing them and adding to them daily. In due course one will stand out as the the one you will write! Go for it!
Thanks this was a drunk ass post… I always think I want to write a book when I am boozed up. Starting with topics makes a lot of sense. I won’t start one now. I have the week off; I guess, I will see what comes to fruition.
that my life was over before it started. i just stuck around for the ending.maybe i’ll win in the the last ining. bottom of the ninth and ran the man hits a home run. that’s how i hope i go out.
[quote=“djkonstable”]I am going to stick with this a little bit…
Sometimes we need someone to jump start our battery. A friend, family member, a stranger to awaken in us a new consciousness.
I was the golden boy in high school. I had the girlfriends, the sports car, and I was captain of the football team. I hated it. I hated every nminute of high school. It didn’t matter that I was popular or that life was supposed to be so special for me. Life didn’t come out like that. Life turned into a rat race, a choice of survival, and an ultimate loneliness that I never expected.
The golden boy is always meant to fall. Too many expectations and demands. I haven’t been able to talk with people from my past because I am afraid that I would disappoint them. I never disappointed anyone except myself.
It was Sunday, I woke up dreary eyed and happy. Sarah was next to me. We have been together for a few months. I have never had feelings for a woman like her. There was banging in the kitchen. It was Shanel, we had dated for a while but now I was dating her friend. Things seemed natural but it wasn’t, we were playing a game. Pretending that our situation was okay, that everything was fine and that our emotions had somehow been dumped in the past.[/quote]
It sounds boring and your sentences are too short.
Write a story about a theme park consisting of dinosaurs brought back to life by cloning techniques. Billy and the clonosaurus.
Billy the clonosaurus. I just have this image in my head of a trex with clown gear on. Forget the book I am going to my studio to do a drawing. That shit is funny. Yeah I knew you meant clone.
If you want to write a book, then you’ve got to write every day. If you want to write a novel, write two pages a day (so said Updike), keep saving those 500 words you write every day, and at the end of it all, you’ll have a novel.
That is good advice. Write, rewrite, write, rewrite, edit… I like starting by just free writing. Then you can begin embellishing. Figure characters out, backgrounds, story line, plot, conflict etc…
Of course self discipline is the best tool anyone can utilize.
Yeah but it sounds choppy, so I think I knew where he was going with the comment. Ah well, you could be right. I am just going to go back to my writing even if its elementary at this point.
“Having a lend of someone” means borrowing them for a while to have a little harmless fun with them.
I come from Australia. It is probably a calloquialism.
Good writing requires rhythm and an interesting topic. Most people are very interesting so writing about yourself is not such a bad thing; however, knowing what is interesting about yourself is a challenge. The best way to help people be interested in you is to be self effacing. No one likes precious twerps.
[quote=“Fox”]“Having a lend of someone” means borrowing them for a while to have a little harmless fun with them.
I come from Australia. It is probably a calloquialism.
Good writing requires rhythm and an interesting topic. Most people are very interesting so writing about yourself is not such a bad thing; however, knowing what is interesting about yourself is a challenge. The best way to help people be interested in you is to be self effacing. No one likes precious twerps.[/quote]
Thanks for that Fox. I should give you a verb back… Here are two, in case you know the first…
[quote=“Fox”]“Having a lend of someone” means borrowing them for a while to have a little harmless fun with them.
I come from Australia. It is probably a calloquialism.
Good writing requires rhythm and an interesting topic. Most people are very interesting so writing about yourself is not such a bad thing; however, knowing what is interesting about yourself is a challenge. The best way to help people be interested in you is to be self effacing. No one likes precious twerps.[/quote]
I think there are portions of writer in each one of their characters. Of course self effacing for an author can be a challenge but in the creative process I think it is easier to cut out things about yourself or turn away from yourself. I don’t think modesty or self effacing is necessarily the best policy but it all depends on the story, book, or whatever.
One of the characters in my writing process is currently a combination of 5 different people I have known. There is a little bit of me thrown in. I don’t think anyone who reads about the character would even come close to associating him with me.
Writing 500 words or more per day has been working out great. I have been writing for longer periods of time the last few days.
I would write about my dark night of the soul and the lessons learned.
About the stories in the Bible and how they apply to everyday meaning
A modern tale about the book of Job
about my opinions about journeys to find sour cream and butter for my 7-11 bread.