X-Formosa Gay Music Festival 彩虹音樂節

“The most anticipated gay music festival of the year in Taiwan!”

X-Formosa 2023 彩虹音樂節 🏳‍🌈

On and about 27-29 October.

LGBTQ+ have all the fun in Taiwan. If only I was into that… Can we just have one openly stated hetero sex festival?

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Sounds like an opportunity @tango42 . Can’t be that many straight guys there.

I don’t think that would go down well, as it were.

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Come in straight, come out gay. Shit would be a sausage fest.

It’s your choice. Either have fun or maintain your current sexual preferences.

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A post was split to a new topic: Why are there so many gay male South Africans in Taiwan?

I would say only the G has fun :smiling_face_with_tear:
The event seems to be targeted for gay men only, not much for the others. If you see about any event for sapphics, I’d love to go, though! A lot of lesbian venues have closed :smiling_face_with_tear:

Because gay dudes don’t have to buy expensive shit or drive obnoxious cars to attract mates. Just hit up a bar, grindr, or sauna.

Wish straight sex was this easy.

A gay festival isn’t a sex festival…

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There’s almost certainly going to be a lot of sex

I hate to say it but he’s right.


You’re not talking out your ass for once. Wait, uh what? (Sorry TL. Friday. So ready for the weekend.)

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Where in the world do you live where it’s already Friday today?

Hard to talk out your ass when it’s obstructed with something…

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End of the week. And I need a break big time.

Okay, I think that’s my cue to exit this thread.


Lesbians don’t have to buy expensive stuff either :person_shrugging: (Also, not all hetero couples are as materialistic as you describe)

I guess my perception is different, as I’m somehow excluded from social groups, cliques, or whatever almost by default, and so all the materials is to convince someone who really don’t want anything to do with you to be with you, to fill a void that many people likely have.

I’m not sure it solves the problem but it sounds better than everyone telling to see a professional all the time (and those professionals are useless).

In most cases, that would make the person uncomfortable, because they would feel like they owe you something if you just shower them with gifts out of the blue. (But maybe that’s a cultural difference between my country and yours.)

I don’t personally do that, and I haven’t gotten the means to do so, and even if I have the means to shower someone with gifts or show off someone with all the expensive shit I own, I won’t do it.

But those rich entitled SOB that does, I kinda see their point. It isn’t right and it tends to attract materialistic people, but given how much work people put into in order to attract an opposite sex, it does make me think it’s better to be gay even if everyone went gay it would destroy mankind (but it’s not like you can’t get a girl pregnant and then go gay).

Because all gay guys has to do is hit up Grindr or a sauna and they’re almost guaranteed to get sex. I wish there’s a place like this for straight folks.