Yanny or Laurel? Which do you hear?

Good lord…



UR so lame

@Rocket got no pig in this fight.
Laurel don’t talk to me now for like 5 years, ever since that misunderstanding with her cousin at the wedding reception for her Ma’s 4th marriage to that goofball with the ponytail who owns that crappy bar in Little Laguna.
Yanny, well that motherfucker still owes me 150 bucks, so fuck him.


my theory is what you hear depends on how good your high freq hearing is. the brain naturally tunes to higher frequencies because in nature, higher freq sounds are generally more important (sounds of prey, or animals that want to eat us, or something unexpected vs background naturey noise that tends to be lower frequency).

if your high freq hearing is good, your brain will latch onto yanny and ignore laurel. if your high freq hearing is not so good then your brain will latch onto laurel. so people that hear yanny - grats! your hearing is thumbs up. laurel people, jianbao probably subsidizes hearing aids. heh heh.

What? I can’t hear you over the bhangra!


I know Yanni and Laurel, but who’s that guy?

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Yanni’s mentally challenged apprentice?


I knew I heard Brett.

@Dr_Milker scanned it from his new issue of Tiger Beat, he’s a fan

Damn straight…that Scott Baio is dreamy.


One defers to your obviously superior expertise, of course, but, come on, Chachi over Ponch???


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I hear Dick…? O_o

I hear Laurel, but one time I was riding a bus and someone at the front was playing it out loud, and from halfway across the noisy bus it sounded like Yanny. (Or Yaely).

I hear “spatula.” What does that mean?

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I only had one coffee today, but it was pretty strong.