Yet another mass shooting in the US

It’s well known that gun sales have surged in recent years, but less well known is that blacks have led the trend. Retailers in an online survey conducted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade group, reported that they sold 58% more guns to black customers in the first half of 2020 than a year earlier, the highest increase for any ethnic group. Personal safety tops the list of why people decide to buy a firearm. In a 2021 Gallup survey, 88% of respondents said they own a gun “for protection against crime,” which is up from 67% in 2005.

And believe in Him or burn in Hell forever.


If you’re going to accept mass shootings as a price to pay for the right to bear arms, at least be remotely competent at dealing with them. It’s not like they don’t have a lot of experience.

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Well, it’s not like every police force has experience dealing with mass shootings on a regular basis, but it definitely sounds like Uvalde’s needs to be rebuilt from the bottom up.

As a country they have more experience than anyone else.

They tolerate loads of mass shootings and they’re shit at dealing with them.

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Unfortunately, yes. And there don’t seem to be any solutions on the horizon.

Your average small town cop…

6 dead in a posh neighbourhood and few people are talking about it. America is beyond help.


read in southern twang

now now as you know…

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

This - right here - is the small price we hafta pay to protect our beloved 2A. You can’t just bake a cake without crackin’ a few eggs. Keep 'em in your prayers, and remember this is God’s country. If it weren’t for the devil’s influence on this here generation of young people, we wouldn’t have these kinds of problems no more. At least if those 6 done good, you know their stars will shine bright in heaven :sparkles: :pray:


Happy birthday, America.

Physician, please heal thyself.


The shootings will continue till morale improves.

Another one.

America loves shootings and hates abortions

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What a goddman freak show.

Because Illinois, particularly Chicago, has extremely tough gun laws… but of course criminals never follow them.

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Heavily armed police approached the classroom, heard four gunshits, and retreated.

Up to 376 police officers, with tactical armor, shields, and heavy weapons, stood around for an hour while children inside called 911 and begged for help, while the gunman shot them in full hearing of the police.

Remember, it only takes 376 good men with guns to stop one bad man with one.


Well because the police in the US has no duty to protect citizens. Not a joke by the way, even SCOTUS affirmed this!

And no wonder the police are over armed, lazy, no accountability for doing their job badly or acting brutal.

Yea I get the whole “want to go home and stuff” but you put on that uniform you know what you signed up for.

Someone needs to clean house.

We = U.S.
We defend our President with guns
We defend our congressmen with guns
We defend our Governors with guns
We defend our celebrities with guns
We defend our sporting events with guns
We defend our jewelry stores with guns
We defend our banks with guns
We defend our courts with guns
We defend our factories with guns

We defend our children at schools with a sign that reads ….“This is a gun free zone”,
and then call someone with a gun in an emergency, but that same person may or may not do something, like Uvalde shows.

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