Yet another mass shooting in the US

Even if he is, it wouldn’t be the easiest place to be non-binary. Some crimes are driven by self hate. Doesn’t really make a difference now does it?

I guess we’ll see, but quite different than you implying the perpetrator was probably a right winger.


possibly conflicted, with the right winger extended family at min.

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Sounds like he had a very unstable home environment, irrespective of politics.

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A suspect was taken into custody after four people were “executed” at a marijuana farm in Oklahoma over the weekend, authorities said Tuesday.

Around 10 fatalities according to police. Would be shocking twenty years ago, but just another Tuesday in the states now.

Conservative or progressive, I’m pretty sure that Aldrich isn’t a liberal.

They might be a nut-job.

Thank you for respecting his pronouns. :+1:

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All morals aside, mass shooters are such losers.

Like, what you end your life over is some petty bs at your job at Walmart? That’s your value?

I could have a bit more respect (morals aside) for someone who blows themselves up for some f’d up cause they believe in.

I’m always surprised, given how many people kill themselves, and others, over completely stupid shit, that we have such low incidence of violence for a reason, like assassinations, or even high-value robberies. Even targeting of certain groups is less common than random targeting.

Especially with how many crazy people are obsessed with their political stuff, there’s so few politics-based shootings/bombings.

I guess the people who are such cliche mass-shooter losers just want easy targets.

If I were gonna go out, and didn’t care about others, it’d be with a high-speed police chase or something.

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I don’t know, I think it makes more sense to end your life over actual real-life problems rather than some abstract ideological bullshit.

well, but when you kill random people for no reason, that’s not logical. killing innocent people because you’re trying to accomplish something seems more logical to me

Shooting sprees are generally location specific. Understanding the reasons why is key.

Presumably the reason would be deep dissatisfaction with one’s life.

I’d say the world needs less martyrs, not more.

I think they’re usually just places where there are lots of people. Walmart, grocery store, parade, movie theater, bar, music festival, etc

Usually in America

Of course. I’m just surprised there’s not more

The ones I can think of outside America (well, in Europe) usually are for a reason. Usually racism or religion, with some blend of politics in there.

There’s always a reason, isn’t there?

I mean a reason where the shooting is intended to advance some kind of goal beyond just “I hate people and I want people to die” and/or “I want people to know I am”. Something bigger than themselves.