Yet another mass shooting in the US

I was thinking about this last night. Then I realized in the last 4 years I’ve been within a couple miles of 3 mass shootings, 1 of which involved me being in lockdown, 2 with man hunts, and 1 was a school shooting. I’ve lived in very safe neighborhood. So yea, you’re right, but people in neighborhoods that look like that might still be affected even if the shootings aren’t there, and shit is still fucked.

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Oh without doubt. I’ve lost count of our lockdowns this year. The Swatting was new and they don’t even lock us down for that anymore.

What irks me is the growing pushback against the Good Samaritan who steps in. That guy in NYC is going to do time. I watched this shooting video, and wondered what would have happened if the guy in the black pickup simply rammed the shooter as soon as he started shooting, just squished him like a bug.

Fucking babies somewhere would be whining about that too. And tbh, idk where I stand on it from a moral position, but if it were me, in that moment, I’d need to take my Subaru through the car wash.

We’ll see. If the story is as has been portrayed - crazy guy being crazy and making people uncomfortable / scared, but not threatening anyone or being violent towards anyone, held choke for a long time, including after the guy went limp, yea, he should do time. I’m still not sure he will if that’s the case - people don’t give no fucks about crazy homeless people .

Which one you referring to? Too many, so I have no idea which you’re talking about without a specific reference.

Relying on “good samaritans” to protect others from dangerous murderers certainly is a sign of a successful society. Not a banana republic at all. :rofl:

I know right? All Americans need is someone with a subaru to ram into potential shooters. I wonder why we didn’t think of that? :rofl:

I have no idea what’s a good solution to this, this is not a gun problem. America always had guns from the moment the country is founded, and there wasn’t any mass shootings of note until Columbine happened, then it just kept happening more and more.

Is it mental health, or just that as a society people are too entitled?

We can have comprehensive background checks but fact is most mass shooters have no criminal history so how would that stop mass shooting?

This whole thing is a symptom of a problem, and gun control laws only treat the symptom, not the cause of why people seem to think that rampage killing is the way to vent their anger.

(yes I know there were school shootings before Columbine, like one where a 12 year old took daddy’s rifle to school and started shooting kids)

Most recent Texas mall shooting.

Sure, keep telling yourself that.

Yeah, like my aunt Cindy, that’s a big but.

My wife just went to nyc and had angry shouty guy stories for each of the rides she took on the subway.

I won’t go there. If I could avoid it for the rest of my life I would.

America had guns for a very long time, like since the founding of the country, so I don’t know what it is.

Switzerland has a rifle in every home, Israel is awash with weapons, and not only that they have terrorist attacks all the time. They don’t have mass shootings like the US does.

No there’s a society level problem, and restricting guns isn’t going to change that.

Taiwan had that one knife attack on the MRT.

I was personally too close to a school stabbing.

Being able to get an AR-15 legally sure as schnitzel doesn’t help a tizle.

I realized today mass shootings are a vicious circle that make this question so difficult to answer. If you don’t take down the shooter right away, then more lives will be lost. If you take the shooter down, you can’t sit them down for a psychological assessment.

This is typical far right talking points.

Estimate of civilian firearms per 100 persons
United States: 120
Switzerland: 27.6
Israel: 6.7

But sure, keep comparing the US to Switzerland. :roll:

FAFO it is then.

The country with the second worst track record in mass shooting, Canada, happens to have high gun ownership relative to the rest of the world as well.

But sure, it’s not about the guns.

Why pick on the AR15? What makes it so special? Does it have to be an AR15?

Is that counting reserve forces who keeps a rifle at home?

What do you think we should do? Declare martial law, confiscate all privately owned firearm?

And you would have proven to the people exactly why the second amendment exists.

Yes. Swiss army training is like Taiwan’s, most of them don’t get combat training. Idk why you think otherwise.

The second amendment is a stupid excuse. Laws are subject to interpretation. The second amendment is like one sentence, it can be interpreted as to severely limiting access to assault weapons.

All these talks are useless anyway. Too many Americans just love getting shot at or watching people getting shot at. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t think he should be free. He killed a guy.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

I always interpreted as the right to hunt bears and keep their arms as trophies.

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I wish they would ban the Assault weapons just to hear what people say in five years when nothing has changed and there are still the same amount of these shootings.

Assault rifles bans would certainly slow things due but it would be the first of many guns they’d have to ban, I think.


nope. and ammo is limited.