Yet another mass shooting in the US

Of course it’s true. In fact, there are as only many mass shootings in the US as in other countries where people often use freely available high-powered machine guns to blow away children and other innocent people by the roomload. It’s all a creation of the media to take your death machines away.

Don’t shoot the messenger :smirk:but I thought the data showed that the majority of these crimes did not involve the high powered weapons you describe . Apologies if I am wrong but …

I thought there wasn’t even data, he just said it’s true from what I. Understand.

I think it’s probably true the US has more mass shootings current day than any other country. I’m not questioning that. But I’m just wondering if it’s true this study doesn’t even provide data and where and how he got his information to determine this.

To paraphrase:

How could he possibly have found every mass shooting since 1966 in 171 countries? Most of the mass shootings wouldn’t have been widely reported because they happened pre-internet in tiny villages with no English newspaper.

Most likely he used information that had already been compiled by the police or researchers, instead of reading every newspaper in every language day after day.

He doesn’t want to talk to me about his research methods. So he must be a junk scientist!

Maybe he is, or maybe he’s busy and doesn’t know what makes you so special that he should spend his time talking to you. Or maybe he already spelled it out in his article, and you’re acting in bad faith by saying he hasn’t, so of course he won’t waste his time on you. (Bonus points to anyone who digs up the article for us.)

We looked for mass shootings around the world and found so many more in other countries.

Great, and what sources did you use? Every newspaper in every language day after day for 40+ years? :rofl: Set a good example and be transparent about your data and methodology. :rainbow:

I’m John Stossel, and he won’t talk to me either! :frowning_face:

Exactly – you’re John Stossel. :cactus:

The bulletproof indoor gazebo doubles as a tornado shelter… :tornado: :slight_smile:

…or, the tornado shelter doubles as a bulletproof indoor gazebo. :yin_yang: :idunno:

Are you erm…triggered?

Ha ha :slight_smile: I guess.

New shooting overnight at Costco in SoCal. :doh:

Excellent article regarding rifles in the State of California which is one of the more restrictive states as it pertains to gun purchases and ownership. It illustrates clearly the impossibility of stopping the manufacture, sale and possession of firearms in the US.

Washington State and many others don’t have any of these restrictions, so we can buy the standard rifle without these ridiculous modifications.

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Gilroy garlic festival, California, still waiting for the press conference…

California and gun control.

California is a third world hellhole.

Boy, as far as third world hellholes it’s one of the better ones. You got some pretty exacting standards there.


Shall we start a California thread?

You already have one.

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Thanks. I’m gonna bump that puppy.

Oh, nice one. There was a mass shooting in California, ergo California is a shithole. In that case, are there any American states or territories that aren’t shitholes? :thinking:

There must be some non-shitty uninhabited island somewhere… :desert_island:

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Another right-wing racist anti-Semitic anti-immigration anti-Hispanic misogynist mass shooter? They have a lot of men like that in California. The gun, which he could not have purchased in California was brought in from Nevada, fulfilling one of the aspirations of the gun lobbyists to make guns available in every state in spite of the wishes of the locals.