You know you've been in Taiwan too long when


You’ve eaten every part of the pig except the squeal.
Edit: possibly without even realizing it. :sick:

In that case I have not gotten here yet.


Let’s build up a hilariously true list! I’ll start.

  1. You don’t even flinch when somebody brushes past or pushes you a little.
  2. You put your crotch right up to the person in front of you in line.
  3. Vehicles can come within two inches of you and you won’t move.
  4. Lines on the road are meaningless now.
  5. You can’t hear things below 60 dB anymore.
  6. You carry around an umbrella 100% of the time (rain or shine).
  7. Cockroaches at restaurants don’t bother you.
  8. You’re constantly on the watch out for dog poop, wherever you walk.
  9. You can carry items longer than 6 feet on any two-wheeled vehicle with ease.
  10. You speak more than one language at once.
  11. (If you’ve ever taught English) You constantly scan for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  12. You bark out what you want to store clerks… no “Please,” or “May I have…”
  13. You think sliced bread is called toast.
  14. Girls that have an hourglass shape are “too fat”./Guys that aren’t metrosexual (borderline homosexual) aren’t stylish enough for you.
  15. Your foot hasn’t seen the inside of a sock for months!
  16. You think Starbucks is the nicest coffee shop in the world.
  17. You ask people if they’ve eaten, as a greeting.
  18. Red lights, green lights, what’s the difference?!
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Here’s a link to the same thread from 2006. … 0&p=622382

Can someone please file this with Lolcats and Chuck Norris jokes?

Actually, I like Shaw’s suggestions, they are fresh. :laughing:

Signs You Haven’t Been in Taiwan Long Enough:

  1. You enjoy and post lists like this.

Your “Yellow Fever” changes to “White Fever”.

  1. You make a list about how to know when you’ve been in Taiwan too long…

You don’t understand that other posters don’t understand you want/have to make this list/post … but maybe the other posters are borderline Taiwanese … :smiley:

  1. You stop visiting

I think that is the ultimate sign, because then you have been “assimilated”…


[quote=“Poagao”]Signs You Haven’t Been in Taiwan Long Enough:

  1. You enjoy and post lists like this.[/quote]

I’ve been in Taiwan for just over five years. I guess I’m not assimilating fast enough…

[quote=“shawn_c”][quote=“Poagao”]Signs You Haven’t Been in Taiwan Long Enough:

  1. You enjoy and post lists like this.[/quote]

I’ve been in Taiwan for just over five years. I guess I’m not assimilating fast enough…[/quote]

No, sounds about right on schedule.

Currently somewhere in between the two, I think… :s

I’m gonna have to stop reading these lists because I’m realizing they’re uncomfortably accurate.

I recently went back to Seattle and ended up in an Eagle’s Club in Kent, wherein I keep my membership. I knew things were really weird when I had a beer and asked for some ice.
EDIT: My Polynesian manager friend knew I had been in Taiwan for more than 10 years just smiled and gave me a glass of nothing but ice and a sound piece of advice; come home son! You dont need that shit anymore." Yet, here I am. Cant divorce it and cant kill it.

19… You get tetchy when someone starts a list like this one. :wink:

Shawn_C, your list is spot on. I’m at level 13 so far. Eating Carrefour toasts now, by the way.