Young Taiwanese Using Simplified Chinese and Apps from China

Yes and China invests a lot more and has absolutely no scruples

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Bout 8 billion USD according to my quick google. As compared to the US 62 billion USD

In what? You think China discloses this?

We all know that China steals tech and secrets. They almost put a puppet in the Australian government and have several puppets in Taiwan. CITV which just lost its license was a propaganda channel for the CCP.

Taiwan is completely infiltrated by Chinese spies and operatives at every level.

You think other countries disclose it?

Wake up

US been actually doing that for decades. As have the Russians.

Im not saying the Chinese arent doing such things, im saying there are several countries at it

Yes we all know about the excesses of the USA and the CIA

The CCP is on another level and is approaching Nazi Germany.

Whats with all this CCP defending?

Im not defending anyone. Im pointing out that there are multiple problems in the world. Some of which are more relevant to the political future than font choice by teenagers

Ya. Many people want to fight against infiltration of western cultures.

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Whataboutery is a type of defending.

The US has a lot of problems, but its level of malevolence and manipulation as a democracy with rule of law is nothing nothing compared to the evil of the CCP.

As the saying goes, “The US steals books and China steals libraries”

Anyway, sorry im not contributing anymore as your posts maintain that i am defending that which i am not defending.

Ya because they did that between 400-300 years ago. Finished off their enemies, built the country and economy on slave labour, nuked innocent civilians and now preaches about human rights.

Yes the US is a very flawed country with a very checkered history in terms of its relations with natives and its attempts at controlling the world orders. Completely hypocritical and has blood on its hands.

So what?

The CCP is the fucking devil

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Well US tolerates China and CCP. That’s what :slight_smile:

And for what? Cheap clothes plastic goods etc.

CCP is not the only evil. US is part of that evil. 100%. It’s a partnership.

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You spend too much time reading Puma Shen’s Facebook.

The kids will do what they want, deal with it. Going commie on them over some app internet game will just backfire. If they break the law prosecute them.


I dont read it, the Chinese infiltration stuff is very much real and very much a threat to Taiwan and everywhere

I have a problem when anyone labels an entire country as black and white.

US did many questionable things, so did china.

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I know it is. I’ve published a paper on it. But barely anyone is using this app and China isn’t considered “cool”. Maybe like 8-9 years ago when several tv shows were extremely popular (Empresses in the Palace and that other show) it kind of was.

Yea kids will be kids. its much easier for kids to get absorbed into these things, their social lives are the most important thing to them at that age. And social media has already been shown to be having a dramatic negative effect on the mental health of the generation who have grown up with it. Besides the other factors such destroying attention and focus and discouraging real world (and much more rewarding) activities.

If you are a parent in this day and age you are really going to have some hard work on your hands.

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