Your Investment Portfolio

Play is only a verb that is used to describe investing.

Just an fyi - “play” definitely isn’t used in financial circles in English.

Warren Buffet is the stock market guru of the planet. He buys and holds then sells much later at high prices.

Not the way you’re describing it. lol

Investment is a game and gamble.

Yes. He is (or was) largely a Value investor, became a Value/Growth investor ( kind of), and now is just insanely rich and does whatever he wants. He definitely doesn’t day trade.

He’s been investing for over 60 years so he knows all the tricks of the trade. I wouldn’t be surprised that he has played daily before.

In no way shape or form is investing gambling. Gambling is pure chance, the Market, over long term, has always been positive, and always makes money. That is why the majority of my money is in index funds with a 20-30 year time horizon. Sure, it will only make 8-10% annually, but I am ok with that.

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I have read most of his books, and he doesn’t. It goes against the way he thinks and functions. His game is always long, and he almost always wins.

My definition of investment includes gambling as you can win or lose.

So many Chinese people, my wife included, just can’t see that.

She asks me when we’ll see some returns good enough to cash out and I tell her in about 20 years. It’s like staring at a wall then.

What index is giving you that???

Even if your returns are consistent yearly, what if the companies concerned fold unexpectedly and you lose everything???

You need to change that definition. It does explain your attraction to Day Trading though.

What is your annual profit/gains in trading over the last 1/ 3 /5 years? Annual profit is the only real way to guage success with investing.

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That’s why you diversify and only put a certain percent in higher risk investments.

Playing it safe is playing it long and it almost universally works out well like Noel was saying.

If you’re playing short, you set stop losses to prevent disasters.

S&P 500, pre- inflation adjusted.
More like 5-7% adjusted for inflation.

Experience has taught me how to invest in stocks to maximise my returns. I have never had any losses so far.

If it works for you, that is great. You definitely have a higher risk tolerance than most, and if you can make that work, that is more money for you.

Do you have any favorite stocks you want to share?

That’s sounds better.

My IRAs are filled with dividend heavy stocks, bonds and REITS paying out 6-11%. That’s why that index number surprised me.

Do you have any favorite stocks you would like to share? What method do you follow? Anything specific?