Barcelona terrorist attack


There is litlle correlation between development and terrorism.

The obvious correlation is between the number of a certain religion in a country, and the number of terrorist attacks.


To be fair there has been terrorism in Europe (and in USA) for a while, and not always related to Islam. You had IRA, ETA, Anarchists, mafia… Breivik…

I don’t have much respect for Islam, or not when the believer is a zombie like some I’ve met, but we can’t just reduce all the problem to “Islam”. What we can’t do either is to pretend that there’s no problem or that it’s not connected to certain ideologies and cultures.

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Guys I grew up with civil war in the streets and a convicted terrorist as a neighbor. Yep, one day the cops came for our soft spoken office drone neighbor who they claimed was involved with a terrorist cell that had stricken several targets. Off to hail he went and he was lucky. His family visited him on weekends while some of his companions and alleged compinches had been gunned down in cells while on police custody.

I am amazed most Latin America is green. We have a long history of terrorism. Takeover of public institutions. Attacks on US targets. We had that in the old country.

Did it pass? Dunno. We still have a lot of violence and fear and terror. Just because they are not Muslim you cannot call maras terrorists? How about corrupt politicians who take a upload of college students and make them disappear? Oh, but those were socialists you say. They used to say the same when they razed indigenous villages to the ground and buried them alive, after raping and pillaging. Right, left, death, chaos and terror. That is what we get with extremism and bloodfeuds. We are just trying to move on. Heck, one of the first requests of the Colombian guerrillas after demilitarized is that they want to participate in the soccer cup with their own team.

My affected pals in Spain say that the terrorists there, as the ones in other attacks, are not the pious kind, but rather delinquent who drink, have sex, etc. Hardly your blind fanatic. Food for thought.

I’d quote you the part of the Quran that clearly mentions that all your deeds will be forgiven if you kill some infidels, but doing so on the phone is a pita.

Edit: it might be other shitty book to mention this, not the Quran itself. Hand in hand, really.


This has nothing to do with politicians in Latin America. This is a global trend of terrorism with very islamic characteristics. I am not sure how you can be so certain about the lifestyle choices of the terrorists so soon after the attack, but it’s largely irrelevant.

Look you don’t want to accept that the attacks are motivated by religion as it contradicts your world view. I was the same, im a liberal guy. But sometimes we need to face the reality. Most Muslims are good people who wouldn’t think of acts like this, but nevertheless these are very Islamic acts of terrorism. They are following the Qur’an and committing the crimes in the name of their God.

Just give up the mental gymnastics and the whataboutery and you will feel a lot happier

In my opinion, these attacks are using religion as an excuse the same way they would use white/black/green supremacy, capitalism/socialism with Caribbean characteristics, etc ad nauseum.

Truly, the religion of peace has tough historic context, like keeping the countries under its heel two thousand years behind the rest. Indeed, they have pulled quite a few repulsive acts in the West. But they are not the only ones. As US liberals like to remind us, white males perpetrated the deadliest and most attacks so far in US…aside from 911.

And the 911 ones were not poor, depressed and oppressed religious zealots. They had the means behind them, heavy funding invested in keeping their own countries as far behind from the rest as possible. Seems to me an agenda if destruction more motivated by greedy elites who want to eliminate the temptations of the rick n roll blue jeans vida loca life style.

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Well your opinion is silly and also slightly racist. You don’t want to give the brown man agency but instead are choosing to interpret his actions through your own narrative. Islamic terrorists are pretty clear about their motives and intentions and unless you have clear evidence to say otherwise, your Infowars conspiracy theories are pointless and disrespectful to the dead.

Everyone knows why you don’t want to accept these huge number of heinous acts are motivated by religion, most liberal minded people have been through the same stage. My advice is to drop the mental gymnastics, it doesn’t help anything. There is a real situation which needs to be faced with real answers. Sticking your head in the sand and blathering on about white males and politicians in the Caribbean does nothing but make a situation worse. You are also throwing the liberal reformers in Islamic communities under the bus, those who are trying to modernize Islam to fit into liberal society and weed out the radical elements.

We have been heard that “Al Andalus will be Islamic again” for decades. I don’t see it just as religious thing, but something for horizontal, more cultural. Of course, Islam preaches hate shit and conquering, so it’s more likely to produce radicals and violents than lets say Christianism.

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So apparently what these motherfuckers originally wanted was to blow up La Sagrada Familia with some home made gas bombs, and before that, ride over as many people as possible. The previous day an explosion in the house where they stored the gas and perhaps other artifacts messed up their plans, so they rushed to do what they did.

Now the police is investigating if one of the dead bodies found in that house is actually the imam of some mosque there.

Blowing up Sagrada Familia…you only see that in Mission Impossible or something of the sort.

The mental gymantiscs necessary to believe that must be of Olympic proportion.


Most of these terrorists are disaffected young male no hopers with criminal backgrounds on the edges of western society.

Islamic fundamentalism gives them an expression to act out against the society that they can’t fit into but they desperately want to fit in somewhere…Isis teaches them how to commit the violent acts and justify it to themselves.

There’s obviously a bunch of peer pressure dynamics going on too.

Not all of the attackers have been young males but defimitely late teens and 20 something seems be typical age.

That’s similar for other terrorist movements I feel.

The large numbers of young male Muslims with messed up ideologies that don’t fit in anywhere are proving fertile ground for recruitment (population boom but not expanding economic opps).

It’s all these factors linked together.
Muslims have to root this shit out.
Europe needs to get really tough as well and coordinate better with intelligence services need more spies in these communities who can root them out.

Interesting then how the Islam -as a whole, as per your perspective, if I am getting it- has decided to rise against the whole world at a time when oil is about to become obsolete.

I do get that Islamic radicals are dangerous. That cannot be denied. But they are not the only radicals out there, and they do seem well organized and funded for a bunch of loonies, led by elderly imams wriggling their hand and juggling plans of world domination.

I cannot drop the mental gymnastics. I was taught to question and try to look for several angles to the same issue. Understand your enemy before you can defeat him.

And so far, these radicals keep sprouting like weeds. Carpet bombing takes care of them momentarily. We can take past experience to come up with a way to eliminate their grip on fertile ground.

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Yes, but I do not think it is quite so simple.

al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, others had a goal to rid the Islamic lands of infidels. ISIS has an ideology to rid the world of infidels, as it sees them. Embrace their ideology 100%, or you’re an infidel. They preach death. Simple. They have focused on only the surah and ayah that give them the right to do so. (in the same that someone would use Leviticus and Deutoronomy, to a similar end. the clinic bombers, and to a degree, the nationalists do just this) While ignoring, along with critics, the bits that explicitly forbade such actions. The Quran is very bi-polar, but then so are many religious texts.

ISIS knows there will be a response. The more hate they can push towards Muslim populations in Europe, and elsewhere, the more there chances of a global jihad will be achieved. The suspicions levied on Muslim populations, restrictions of movement, etc may give you a better night sleep, but it only strengthens ISIS.

Saying the Muslims must fix their own problems is akin to saying the left and right must weed out their bad seeds. The issue is far too complex to have such a simple solution.

What is the solution? I do not have the answers and I doubt there is a one-size-fits-all resolution to this. Hussein appeared to have a pretty tight lid on extremism. As did Qadafi, Asaad, Mubarek. Maybe it is time to bring Iran back to the table. Maybe its time to start looking at giving the Kurds a homeland. Maybe it is time to abandon Turkey.


Maybe try Alex Jones, you would like him. He said that there was reason to believe Sandy Hook was a cover-up

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Thanks. I got enough Spanish speaking lunatics on my FB. I avoid guys like Trumpf or Jones or so many who massacre Englishee grammar/syntax/senantics/coherence to the point natives and non Natives don’t get their meaning. Communication is about understanding and being understood.

Noticed that one of the Spanish police officers shot and killed four of the attackers by himself - that’s pretty kick-arse!

I wonder how long it will take before some 'tards start blaming him of being a nazi racist sexist etc etc

Actually, and sorry if this doesn’t fit your narrative, but I think you’ll find he’s being hailed as a hero