2020 USA Presidential Election (Alleged) Vote Fraud



Better add Mike Lindell to the list of people that need to be sued, he’s just released a 3 hour documentary on alleged fraud in the 2020 elections, the ministry of truth, Google, Twitter and Facebook are no doubt actively scrubbing any trace or existence of the documentary as we speak so if I find a link I’ll let you know.


It’s here:


Oh it’s on Rumble, guess they will need to cancel Rumble some way, I heard it’s a bit more difficult than Parler because they didn’t host on Amazon. Giving it a watch now.

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It’s kind of weird the way Democracy is discussed in the article, almost like TIME has an entirely different definition of it.

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I seriously want one of his pillows now.

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Oh, the My Pillow wacko QAnon conspiracy nut? As if he’s a credible source of information. What an embarrassment.


To what? Politics? hahahahah boresnore

Lou Dobbs got cancelled by FOX, one of their best rated shows, it’s assumed because he promoted fraud and rigged machines stuff and they’re going to get sued. :joy: :joy: :joy:


What happens if it turns out that Trump actually won the election? Would Biden’s term end and Electors re-cast their votes to bring in Trump?

Magical Victory Unicorns descent from the sky to the tune of Ride of the Valkyres and Trump is flown in in a giant military parade that lasts for several decades and all of the liberals are vanquished to jails.

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:joy: which is more believable? Biden, the biggest popular vote winner ever, taking the oath of office in front of field of 200,000 flags (so lucky to have those on hand at moments notice) and 65,000 National Guard in a completely locked down capital of the US while Trump is regarded as the most admired man of 2020.

Given that those National Guard troops were called in to quell a seditious riot, it’s quite believable they were there.

The most admired man of 2020 probably depends on who you ask.

Make sure to note that Newsmax canceled the My Pillow guy and Fox got rid of Dobbs not because of any belated dedication to honesty, but solely because the were getting sued by Smartmatic, and they both were afraid of the lies they broadcast coming back and biting them in the ass.


Meanwhile the Gateway pundit is showing a video they just received in which they claim shows a van delivering 50 boxes of ballots at 3am in the morning.

****** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center.
****** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room.
****** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room.
****** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later.
****** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots.
****** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries.
****** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.

This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!


I’ve been considering taking melatonin, now I’m convinced.

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Yes, taking melatonin instead of addressing the underlying issue is the right approach /S . Speaking of which, a thorough investigation instead of suppression would be a great approach.

The only way it could work is if the military took over, ran a thorough investigation and took it from there. If Trump was just given the presidency, it would probably cause a civil war.
The leftists would make the protesters in DC last month look like what they actually were, not what the media and shysters in the house perceive them to be.

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The right approach is going through the court system, welcome to 2 months ago.


Of which none allowed even at a minimum an investigation to look into more details. This is very important, any normal human would suggest to check everything and leave no stone unturned. Unless investigations proceed America has to come to terms with Biden potentially being an illegitimate president along with the entire administration. We can’t say for sure yet.