39 bodies found in a truck [UK]

It was a shameful moment in British history when we didn’t provide full citizenship to HK residents in 97.


Because people have different values, cultures, ideas, and even intelligence levels.

I believe in democracy, I live in countries with strong democratic values. Not everyone shares the same ideas on how government should run. Why would I want a bunch of people who don’t value democracy to live with me?

What will happen to all the poor countries? You think anyone would stay in countries like Syria or Ethiopia if there was open borders. Poor countries don’t want an open border, everyone would leave and it would be a giant brain drain.

Some cultures don’t match with others. And this is probably the least problematic of the issues of an open border. I have no desire for my town to bring in a 100k Somalian migrants. I don’t think they have a culture that brings anything to the table. Hence why they have a shit hole country. It’s entirely on them and they should fix it themselves.

Sadly, intelligence doesn’t seem to be evenly distributed across all races of people. IQ differences can be significant with some races 2 standard deviations above the average and some 2 below. But saying so is offensive even though there is evidence of it, so there’s no real effort to tackle this issue from a intellectual stand point.

We don’t get along because we are different. Some of these differences can’t be solved with singing Kum Ba ya in a circle. An open border would be great if we were all the same. A border keeps good ideas in and bad ideas out. Democracy needs borders.

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It’s interesting how open borders could be Right in economic terms, or Right in separating certain groups.

At the same time, open borders could be liberal Left in terms of acceptance, but not Left in terms of weakening Labour negotiation.

Open borders only works if migration goes both ways and goes both ways evenly.

If open borders means that the flow is always one way - or if it isn’t close to even - then the country with the growing population is placed in a situation where it must finance some new infrastructure to accommodate the inflow and to replace the equivalent infrastructure in the nation suffering the net outflow. Of course that abandoned infrastructure will then go unused unless there are migrants there to use it.

Imo, the most humanitarian thing to do is helping crappy countries be less crappy. Not importing the people there for cheap labor. The world would be so much more prosperous if some of these countries got their shit together. And it starts with the people.

It’s really unfair if you think about how some countries add zero value and burden the rest of us who figured it out. Wouldn’t it be great if Zimbabwe was a great prosperous country and provide us an option to go and seek work.

Open borders has yet to work in terms of it being tried.

I think it could work, but it would require an East Asian style which would mean virtually no government support for immigrants. Whether that could fly is another matter.

Open borders would seem to make land wars much more likely. Certainly if a disaggregated army can simply walk into a target nation uncontested, and aggregate there, then exploits are bound to happen.

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its happened before.

Why even have nation states if there is an open border? I don’t see the point.

That’s a good point. Border controls are a relatively new phenomenon. Go back 100 years or so and anyone could go anywhere. Technological change has been faster than law.

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Ok, we have 100k US citizens in our country. Can we then have 100k legal residents in the U.S.?

UK residents were about 30k. Hmmm, about half the population is furriners…

We had 20k Taiwanese. We’d be pusheda to get 20k to move here but we can say count doctors and nurses and other care givers -which Taiwan needs- as double. Trained engineers and PC factory workers too, as long as we can play salsa in factories. And accept that if the boss gets funky, things will get messy - machetes and molotovs included, no safety robes, no workie.

Of course. You (whoever “you” is) may have 1 million legal residents in the US. I have no problem with that at all.

As I’ve said many, many times in the past: my only problem is with illegal attempts to immigrate into the US.

illegal immigrants from south America. They didn’t attempt it, though.

You’ll look long, hard, and unsuccessfully for any claim by me that the US is perfect.

I’m afraid I’m just not interested in using mistakes the USA made 75 years ago against attempts made today by the US to control its southern border. You are free to play that game, of course, but it will be without my participation.

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I have no intention to debate on it too.

Yea the funny thing about Chinese from the Mainland is they are generally ultra nationalistic even in other countries. Open borders = CCP influence/control abroad not going to lead to Kumbaya world peace all of the sudden.

Most were Vietnamese with fake Chinese passports.

They paid 30k USD to get trafficked into UK.

That’s just tragic.

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I hope we’re all agreed about that.

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A 25-year old lorry driver from Northern Ireland, driving a lorry he doesn’t even own, trafficked in 39 Vietnamese using Chinese passports then froze them to death and called the police on himself?

Damn good investigators they have in the UK.


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We have no idea at this point, but if we are playing the guessing game then mine would be that he’s talking. That would explain the charge downgrade from murder to manslaughter.

Technically he didn’t call the police, he called an ambulance. They then called the police. Even so, it is a bit odd that if he was involved in the trafficking he would have behaved in such a way.