4 yr old girl beaten by drunken father, slips into coma

weird, the Taipei Times headline in paper and website said:

‘‘Toddler donates organs to others’’

Should be …’‘family of toddler donates organs of girl to others’’. No? She cannot donate anything, can she?

The father will spend the rest of his life in jail. Watch.

[quote=“Chewycorns”]its about time the mid-level bureaucrats and docs practice accountability.


I get tired of hearing how tought doctors here have it. Half of them are in it for the money, and the other half for the face. They just sit in their little offices in big hospitals and receive the adoring masses for whom they prescribe a load of shite.

i have to wonder if the local community is just as appalled as the foreigner community at what has happened. i say this not because i assume all taiwanese are heartless bastards, but many who haven’t left the country or don’t know of better systems existing might not see the severity in refusing a beaten 4 year-old treatment. if there is nothing to compare it to, then it’s harder to fix.

I can’t speak for everone else in Taiwan, but my wife, kids and in-laws are totally disgusted about the tradgedy and everybody involved, from the father, through the doctors and Mayor Horse’s administration.

I can’t speak for everone else in Taiwan, but my wife, kids and in-laws are totally disgusted about the tradgedy and everybody involved, from the father, through the doctors and Mayor Horse’s administration.[/quote]

Yes, everyone is disgusted, locals as well as foreigners, sure. Reminds some people of when blacks in USA were turned away from hospitals because of the color of their skin and refused treatment, and many died this way.

In the case, the girl was from a poor, unknown unVIP family, she got pushed around first by her drunken rubbish of a father, and then by a VIP-focused crummy medical care system set up for the rich and famous.

Yes, the local people hate what they have seen. Look, Mayor Ma even cried. This tragedy will have a profound impact on society here, but nothing will change. Par for the course. But others have said, this happens in all countries.

There are drunks and heartless bastards everywhere.

[quote=“Chewycorns”]its about time the mid-level bureaucrats and docs practice accountability.


Cough, accountability? And good sir, what country are you living in :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiling_imp: Well, I am an idealist at heart. :blush:Anyways, lets hope some good can come out of terrible events such as these. If it means more people are outraged about domestic violence, and if it leads to more press coverage on such issue – then more people will know it is unacceptable to take out their life frustrations on weaker beings.

In thiis specific case, I hope this hurts Mayor Ma’s “teflon image,” and I hope the docs in question serve time.

This could easily have happened in the UK. Except that I doubt a doctor would refuse to examine a 4-year old with a serious head injury. That’s the bit I don’t get.

Just curious: why is the Taipei city mayor getting the blame? Is the Taipei medical set-up under his jurisdiction? Isn’t the Taiwanese NHS a state-level organisation?

Taipei City has its own DOH. Not sure how the influence is shared between the City and the Cabinet, but Ma is going to lose votes big-time on this.
He’s shitting bricks.

I think it’s because Taipei (as is Kaohsiung) is a special municipality. Anyway, here’s the organizational chart:

health.gov.tw/ENGLISH_WEB/en … _02_01.htm

What’s strange about all this, from a medical standpoint, is these doctors go to medical school to learn how to treat patients, I mean that is what an ER is for, for Christ’s sake! And these docs couldn’t be bothered…

They should stripped of the MD licenses, and barred from ever practicing medicine in Taiwan for the rest of their lives. Not to mention jailed for a good five years. They murdered an innocent little girl. MURDERED. Doctors!

Forget the money and the trips overseas and the trophy wives and the BMW and the Benz. We are talking murder here.

I think Dad’s kidneys and liver should be donated too…and taken without anaesthesia. And then let him enjoy the rest of his life without them…all five minutes.

I think Dad’s kidneys and liver should be donated too…and taken without anaesthesia. And then let him enjoy the rest of his life without them…all five minutes.[/quote]

I’ll be glad to donate the surgical equipment…a broken beer bottle.

OMG, look how cute she was! She had a face of an angel!

How could anyone ever hit a child like that!? It’s comfimed that her liver and kindeys were donated. This whole thing is just so sad…

If it is true that some people are born to help the world a better place, there’s no doubt in my mind that she was one of them. Unfortunely, it had to be through a tragedy. May God rest her soul. May she smile down and know that she’s done some good.

IIRC as of last night he was in for GBH causing death, and they were saying he was expected to be charged with manslaughter, or at least sentenced accordingly.

[quote=“sandman”]Ma is going to lose votes big-time on this.
He’s shitting bricks.[/quote]
The real reason he was crying, no doubt. His precious image has been tarnished.

No need for that last part - how could anyone ever beat a child full stop.

IIRC as of last night he was in for GBH causing death, and they were saying he was expected to be charged with manslaughter, or at least sentenced accordingly.[/quote]

Well then it probably won’t be much. The drunk professor who ran over and dragged to death 2 elderly female street-cleaners several years ago in Nankang only got about 18 months. And he had gone home and cleaned his car so no one would know.

[quote=“lane119”]What’s strange about all this, from a medical standpoint, is these doctors go to medical school to learn how to treat patients, I mean that is what an ER is for, for Christ’s sake! And these docs couldn’t be bothered…

Actually the problem resulted in he took too many on duty hours. From what I heard, the doctor was on duty at night time for 15 days except his standard working hours at day time, which means he didn’t have time just to close eyes and rest at all. What if you were he and you were not in good condition at the moment the little girl sent in the hospital? I would still try to help her if I were him… really? You know you want to, but you just cannot maybe! He should not tell a lie at the beginning, that

So the doctor was severely overworked?

Well, they ought to have rules in place against that, most sensible places try to restrain it. I still have scars in my head after being patched up by a doctor, who could not keep his eyes open, and who had been on duty for 48 hrs.

No need for that last part - how could anyone ever beat a child full stop.[/quote]
Well that goes without saying. I didn’t mean you can hit a child if he or she is not adorable. :loco: No child on earth deserves to be treated like that but love and yes more love. Period.

i’ve posted it in another thread, but since the topic is up again …

many doctors do tend to get overworked here. one of my neighbors is studying (half-way thru), and his dad just passed away at age 50. he was a doctor who was overworked, got sick, felt like he was improving, tried to get back in the groove, and passed on.

according to my neighbor, the reason most doctors get paid the big $$$ is that they are worked to the point of exhaustion, and many of them die “early”. before you ask, he is not planning to specialize in an area where this is common.

i am NOT defending what happened, but i agree that doctors need to have sufficient time to rest, or the people who go to see them have a lot to worry about.

as for the father … what else can i add to what’s been said?