67% of Taiwanese have sex without condom


Prevents release of eggs from the ovaries…

I had never used a condom in all my years of rock 'n roll sex with random women. I tried that shit with the first gal I met in Taiwan, and got chlamydia. Luckily, not HIV. Since then, I have always buckled up when driving new cars.


And old ones as well, hopefully. You never know when they’re going to spring a leak.

It is an abortion. It’s an early-stage abortion (fetus visible on ultrasound, may have heartbeat), but an abortion nonetheless. As the bear said, the morning-after pill is a completely different mechanism, although you might argue that it’s still technically an abortion because it prevents implantation of a fertilized egg (if one exists).

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if it’s not on, it’s not on

Girls are more likely to be aborted than boys. Same throughout all East Asia.

The point is if you include taking RU-486 in abortion statistics it would be very high everywhere.

Ah, OK. Yes, you’re probably right about that.

Yup and RU~486 is easily available here and widely used.

Taiwan is one of the least sexually active countries in the world. That might sounds like a huge buzz kill. But it always ranks at the very end of those lists ranking countries by how sexually active their populations are, not birth rates, I’m talking about how many times people engage in sex per week, month… etc. Definitely not a horny country.

*Your experiences may very

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Yes, very. :wink:


I am curious to know when this data was published. I am guessing 1965?

:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

David Duke - Wikipedia

Duke (using the double pseudonym James Konrad and Dorothy Vanderbilt) wrote a self-help book for women, Finders-Keepers: Finding and Keeping the Man You Want .[187] The book contains sexual, diet, fashion, cosmetic and relationship advice, and was published by Arlington Place Books, an offshoot of the National Socialist White People’s Party.[188] Tulane University history professor Lawrence N. Powell, who read a rare copy of the book given to him by journalist Patsy Sims, wrote that it includes advice on vaginal exercises, oral and anal sex and advocated adultery.*

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Nah, pretty recent study, 2010s something. Taiwan along with Japan at the very bottom of the world in frequency of sex. Corroborates nicely with the abysmal birth rate.

Dafuq :rofl: I didn’t know Nazis roll THAT wild.

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Analingus too
David_Duke (bionity.com)
Using the pseudonym Dorothy Vanderbilt, Duke published a self-help book for women, titled Finders-Keepers , in 1976. The publication gives advice to women regarding vaginal exercises, fellatio, analingus, and anal sex.[16][17]

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That might be the first positive thing about Nazis that I’ve read in a while. Like… Ever. Oh, except for John Rabe.

Duke is horrendous but was entertained when I learned about his ghostwriting.

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Yeah ghost writing Connections can be hilarious. Opus Pistorum anyone?