And yet another consequence of Taiwan Parenting Issues (spoilt, lack of belt)

Are you saying you would disown your kid for playing video games? o_O

With all the criticisms of Taiwanese parenting, too lax is one I’ve never heard.

“Parents don’t know how to teach their children anything” “the education system is a joke” solution: homeschool. :thinking:

(And please don’t say “ok, private schools then”. I went to a very good private school for K-8. Oh boy was public high school a nice dose of reality. And a significantly better look into how the real world acts and also how I should act in it)


“Not one I’ve never heard”?

You mean you have heard it?


I’ve actually noticed a big decrease in typos from @Explant . New phone?

I, on the other hand, have started flobbing on the phone, so way more typos!

To all those people talking about video games being the cause of violence, may I remind you that the world was much more violent before the invention of video games?


It’s great to get you to conform and be a good employee.

Absolute broken system that held back people like me. Public education is a cookie cutter system that doesn’t work for everyone and hasn’t changed with the reality of the world. One of the most painful parts of my life.

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Addiction to video games. A symptom of a deeper psychopathic problem. A trigger but not the cause as hailed in the US “video games create school shooters”.

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I got belted as a kid, regimental belt with a big buckle, hurt like fook, and caned at school. I wasn’t a good boy tho I grew up to be a good man and parent. Who never hit or hurt his child. He’s a good boy, now man.
My brother however got that belt so many times it screwed him right up.
My father was a evil man who could destroy a child’s life.

I find Taiwanese young men are well behaved as a rule, little immature but they grow out of it.
Young women can be hard work tho.

Erach country has its teenager problems especially Petulant little shits in U.K.


Maybe this is proof that we need gasoline control. This is like a mass shooting but without guns… fire can kill far more than guns.

It’s called price controls. That alone cuts supply in a simple supply/demand model

The education system globally as a whole is broken, but my experience did not teach me to be a good employee. Quite the opposite in fact. I know what I know I know and I know to call people out when it’s not going the way they claim to know it should. I’m sorry you feel your school held you back, but what makes you think homeschooling or private schools would have helped you? The private high schools I would have gone to were only different from the public high in two ways: 1) 99% of the student population of those schools had family income over US$200k/yr (and that was back then!) and 2) tuition was US$10k+/yr, which didn’t even cover the total cost of attendance. If you go to a public school in the US in a neighborhood where the housing costs are high, your public school education is hardly cookie cutter, unless you actively seek out only classes with bad teachers, and those classes do exist. I’m looking to move back to the US in the next few years because I know that districts like the one I grew up in would welcome me to and have the students who can accept my “independent learning time” approach to world language instruction. In Taiwan, I’ve only ever had students who need to be told exactly what to do and when they finish, they think it’s play time. That’s part of the reason for never-ending homework here. Students don’t have the understanding that you can finish learning one thing and then go on to learn the next thing you’re interested in. In the high school I went to, we had a lot of classes with “time cards”, where we’d basically come in and work on projects and record that we worked on those “time cards” (only the digital design teacher called them time cards. Record slips? Work journals?). I wasn’t able to sneakily finish my math homework or cram for tests in those classes because we were expected to utilize the materials available in that “lab” to get our relevant to that class work done. That work never ended, because we were supposed to think about what we knew and how we could apply it in new ways. And all the classes that had those approaches taught me skills that I still use nowadays, with a high degree of frequency. You could never have something like that in Taiwan, unless you homeschooled your child from birth and knew what you were doing. I say this from experience, as that approach is not unlike Montessori, which I’ve seen fail, epically, everywhere in Taiwan, but works, more or less, even in inner city public schools in the US.

I understand your frustration. Strict schedules, clearly laid out state standards, etc. can apply things in a cookie cutter way, but this is not unique to public schools. Private schools follow a similar system, usually seeking to only admit “the best and brightest” in order to keep up a reputation of “producing” brilliant minds And since this topic was about parenting: again, parents who don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to teaching their child basic self-discipline are hardly going to succeed in teaching their child academic skills. You can’t teach a child that hasn’t had limits clearly laid out for them.

It’s embarrassing how it can be that obvious haha.


It’s shocking here in the UK.

I live in a safe town and this teenage girl set up her bf to get stabbed at the park. This is is almost normal here now with kids stabbing each other.

The funny thing is, these kids are soft little bitches. They wouldn’t last a day in the hood in the US or anywhere else that is about that life.

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Better than the US. Even the dogs are out out control!

Last night I went out to have a drink and a few cigarettes outside my local Seven. 4 a.m.
There were a bunch of hard geezers sitting across from me on real motorcycles. I drank my drink, smoked my ciggies, and they didn’t even glance at me. I worked out that I could have broken three noses before they fucked me up. I was prepared, but not scared.
I think it’s quite nice that you can hang out across the street from heavy dudes, and they don’t even chirp at you. I almost feel embarrassed about thinking about taking them out if they did.


I could use a cold one and a nice fag as they call it here. It’s 30c at night here and the Brits are a bunch of masochists with no AC :expressionless:

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Fucking nanny state. Pubs close at 11 or 12, eh?
When I was playing Rock, we only STARTED at 12.

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I thought Europe is cool, like never seen 30C at night. Perhaps in the daytime…