Any good ideas for Asian guys to meet foreign women in Taiwan?

Yeah, preferences are generally fine.

Preferences based on objectifying someone based on their race=not cool. Gotta make sure you’re seeing people as individuals and not a weird, stereotyped sexual object.

if a guy or girl only wants sex they are going to see somebody as a sexual object… not really cool but it is what it is.

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Fixed it for you.

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Do you mean that it doesn’t matter whether you see people as objects as long as you can make people believe you don’t? Or that you shouldn’t see people as sexual objects, but people also have to believe you don’t?

I’ve often felt women have used me for a relationship. They’ve pretended it was just about sex, but they were secretly after something long term. It’s highly disingenuous.


I suppose.
Personally, being a

weird, stereotyped sexual object

has worked out pretty good for me, but YMMV. :+1:

Many people (guys and girls alike) have motives to get romantically involved with the desired sex that don’t go well to the ears of the desired person. It doesn’t mean those motives are immoral, but if one desires success one has to learn to make those motives invisible.


Well, I guess if you’re fine with it then…enjoy. Haha.

You can make your motives invisible at first, but they’ll most likely become apparent eventually. Unless you never go on more than one or two dates with the same person.

Great line. I’m gonna have to try that next time. :grin:


It works. Or it did for me haha. I had too many bad experiences with guys who thought it was cool to date a white girl. Any white girl.

Even now that I’m married, we get gross comments. Like, people see us together and other Taiwanese men will say stuff like “Wow, way to go. You’re bringing glory to Taiwanese men everywhere.” (In Chinese, assuming I can’t understand). It’s really annoying because we both see each other as just people–not that our cultural background doesn’t matter at all, but it’s not the reason either of us chose to marry each other.


I think most of the middle-aged male posters on here are thinking, “Damn, why can’t I be objectified every now and then?”

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They probably could be objectified, but do they want to deal with the results of getting involved with the type of woman who does that objectifying?

I’ve seen some of the complaints of middle-aged foreigner men in Taiwan in regards to relationships haha.

Taiwanese women kind of do this in their own way too, pretty often. “ooh, jackpot” type stuff.


Yeah, I’m not saying they’ve thought it through very thoroughly or anything.

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I believe it. It’s just annoying. Ha. What if we foreigners went around saying that to other foreigners who are with Taiwanese partners? Maybe we should try it. Really assimilate and copy the behavior of those around us. Ha.


Or…maybe some people do that already? HA. I guess I’m not very up to date on the Taiwan dating scene these days.

queue pyscho 小姐 thread…


Haha On second thought, I take it back! Let’s not go down that road.