Arachnida of Taiwan


So after some reading i found out that Liocheles australasiae lives all around Taiwan (surrounding land masses), still didn’t see anything for here yet, but it seems at least likely.


This is the parthenogenetic species in taiwan. Its actually common in forests but hard to find cause of its habitat and its usually only 2cm or less.

Whip scorpions are common as well and way easier to find. Spent a couple years breeding those and learned a lot about parental care of the uropygi.

I was a little more worried about disturbing one of these guys :wink:

apologies not a Taiwan compilation , but enjoyable entertainment

P. Metallica wow

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Thats an amazing T. Nothing like that in taiwan though :frowning:

Anyone ha e thoughts on this girl? Quite big, 5cm or so. Water spider, thing went and climbed down underwater with lightning speed. Have a few better pic on camera i think if need.


I’m guessing they breathe under water with air that is trapped within hairs ? Or do they create a bubble ?

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Ya hairs i think. So no big bubble and they werent hunting underwater. But would grab tadpoles etc and bring them up. But their speed underwater was astonishing!

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You find that in taiwan? Never seen that color before.

Its amazing their webs can hold in relatively decent sized birds.

Not my pics but that one < i think was at Daken , Taichung . The one above was YangMingShan Park Looking at large spiders was probably a bad idea before going to sleep :cold_sweat:

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Australian Magnificent …not Taiwan, but worthy

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Trying to be environmentally friendly and let the spiders live. I have a large colony in the front balcony and another in the kitchen. All small ones, but their webs are large.

As long as no large ones appear, there will be peace in the realm.

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Diseases caused by spiders: ___?

Food spoilage due to spiders: ___?

Physical uncomfort due to their living here: ___?

Economic loss due to spiders: ___?

In taiwan all are zero or virtually at zero.

Now ask the same question about the things they eat: flies, fruit flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, termites, numerous small plant pests etc.

Spiders should be the real gods of egypt, not those arrogant brown eyes.

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Some spiders do that: trap air or even create a bubble under the water for staying there.


A few weeks ago I read about this for the first time in my life. Then a few days after, @Explant posted about this. Weird coincidence!

And finally I get to see it with my own eyes. Actually I was suspecting of some, but didn’t have time and means to verify what’s what. Anyway, here you have my pictures. The best shot, a very good one, was lost because the flash was still cycling…


And then, looking closer…



Amazing shots as always man! Looks fantastic!

Have i asked what camera you use yet?

My apologies for posting a non Taiwan example , but a remarkable story about the oldest (recorded) Spider .