Arachnida of Taiwan

Chiayi county banana field.


Srsly? that spider made his web look like power transmission lines?

how DID you take the photograph from way up there?

Iā€™m just standing on the side of the road taking pictures of the view. The spider has the web between some trees.The power lines are way off in the distance.





Those things are beautiful but quite big. I had one on my balcony for a few months a while back. Kept reminding myself not to walk into the spider web.

Then one day was getting into my car and there was a ā€œsouth snakeā€ at least it seems that is what they are called in Chinese (pretty big, a couple of meters long) , ran upstairs to tell the wife and ran out to the balcony to look down. Forgetting the spider completely and ran face first into the damm thing. One of the most harrowing 60 seconds of my life.

Spider built itā€™s web back up, probably more shook up than I was. But did it the other way round so I couldnā€™t see its beautiful colors, maybe wanted to keep an eye on me.


Not sure if in Taiwan but the name rocks ā€¦The Sparklemuffin Spider

Sorry to burst ya bubble, but thatā€™s another Aussie, mate. Cute name, though.


Hi! Itā€™s 2.30 here in Taiwan and I dont know what this bloody thing is. Iā€™m 8 beers in and my friend is freakin out.

Its a spider, not an insect :wink: but 8 beers in, nevermind. They eat insects. The run fast and can jump but are essentially harmless. They eat roaches and other bufs, so make peace :slight_smile:

Ah thatā€™s right. I forgot we use big words here to refer to spiders and thought it was odd there was no Spider Thread. Cause weā€™re sophisticated. :wink:

iā€™ll move my post. :sweat_smile:

Is that massive thing really harmless?

I found a baby spider of that kind was dead last night. Iā€™m sad.

We need to impress the english teachers somehowā€¦

They are fairly harmless unless youre small. Rarely bite, always flight. Not overly poisonous.

Thatā€™s good to know.

I ainā€™t here to impress nobody.

Double negative?
So, this means you are in fact trying toā€¦

Whatā€™s up with the ā€œdouble negative? Then you blah blah blahā€ recently?

Proof positive that we do actually need to make friendly with the grammEr nazis.

Give him credit. He used a (an) '. You know how annoying that is on most phones? I am over the moon if this damn thing just computes the correct letters so my spelling ia 90% accurate!


In my stairwell. Big as a boba tea lid.

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That gal is amazingly vibrant for the size. Any idea what species or genus it is? Never seen that one before.

What a beauty!

Of course, I wouldnā€™t find it beautiful if it was in my homeā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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