Arachnida of Taiwan

Could not get a better shot, it was a bit high. Spider net was about 1m in diameter, the spider about the size of the palm of my hand. :spider:


They really are beautifully huge!

Ialways thought the little red arachnids on their webs were parasitic spiders, but have been told a couple times they arent, but actually the male…can anyone confirm that?

I have never noticed little companions.

almost every web has them. take a look closely sometime, they can be anywhere but i see them mostly on the lower half. I wonder if they are seasonal? but I see them on most webs i come across. perhaps a few mm and very red.

So she has her own little harem of suitors, to be eaten following copulation…what a life!

Sounds decent doesn’t it? And they don’t even have periods or menopause! though given their treatment of their sperm donors, sounds like they are in perpetual bitchy :see_no_evil:

If i was the lady, hell yes! if i was the man…probably still hell yes, men are horny morons.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Black widows and feminism

Are you suggesting humans are evolving towards asexual reproduction, or hybridizing with the local fauna?


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They look cute!
Are these were new types of Pokemon?


Frenchman in Taiwan Kayden Caffin made international news over shower spider scare.

Most people freak out seeing them. That one looks rather small.
Had to catch one in our house once. It was larger than my hand. They are extremely fast, hard to catch. Those fast movements give you bigger adrenaline rush than a roller coaster ride.
I did not want to harm it, just released outside.


Fun fact, they jump too. Not often, but VERY capable. I love spiders but even i almos shat my pants the first time a was trying to get close for a face macro and it lept to my face. My only thought was sore ass, and “you re not Salticidae”

Silly humans :slight_smile:


Can anyone confirm that “rolling spiders” exist in Taiwan?

I was walking to my apartment from the MRT one night and something rolled away from me, then stopped, then as I got close again it rolled away again. There wasn’t any wind to speak of so I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Just a few days later I saw the GIF of a rolling spider in the desert and realized that must have been what I saw. The movement pattern was exactly the same.

I haven’t seen another. Are they uncommon?

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I am unaware of spiders that can self roll such as on a flat or inclined surface. But some spider, such as many smaller orb weavers, curl up as a defence and will roll when gravity and surface angles align just right :slight_smile:

Never knew Shiadoa was into spiders as well. Enjoying reading this thread.

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I generally dislike spiders, but I started to like them (in some way, to some degree) when I started to look at them through the macro lens. Especially the jumping spiders or the little bastards that pretend to be ants. Those are funny bastards.

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Macro phootgraphy sure does open up a whole new world. Those ant mimic spiders are quite cool. Check out the any mimic mantids.

Or just any ant mimic…seems nature knows who the cool kids are. And they are sheep like drones.

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