Are the police corrupt?


And since you are an expert in criminology, specialized in Taiwan area, you can make fair judgements xD

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I’m no expert, but it doesn’t take an expert to know how corrupt police are in Taiwan

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Right. OK, can you tell us how corrupt is the police here, especially when it involves foreigners? thanks.

How long have you been in Taiwan? Have you never dealt with the police?

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Why do you think police here are not capable of fair and just police work? I would like to see evidence for your statement, not just rumors and slander.

I see it a lot on Forumosa. People constantly talking about how currupt and inept the police are in Taiwan. How much of that is based on facts and not just slander and rumors spread around? I know a couple of police officers here and they are pretty upstanding people. They live normal lives, have families and do their job the best they can.

The couple of times I have required police assistance here, they went out of their way to help and did a pretty good job.

There is corruption in every police force in every country. Go try telling the black community or latino community in the USA that the police in the US are fair and just. See what kind of response you get.


Those of us who have ever had to call the police on a Taiwanese know that the police always side with the local. I had a landlord threaten to kill me, on video, and the police wouldn’t help because the landlord was friends with the police; their excuse was they don’t get involved in housing disputes.


No. You get yourself in trouble or the victim of a crime, you are on your own. Most embassies will check up on you to make sure you are ok, help you contact your family and make sure you are able to get legal representation. Beyond that, you are on your own.

Yes, and MAYBE more than you.

in Taiwan, black people would not be killed by police at least just because they are black.

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The police are fucking morons here…In Timbuktu.

Corrupt morons.

They may end up getting a more thorough beating though.

What they wont do is put any kind of pressure on local police / government or send a special investigation task force from home to help you. Just the basic assistance.

Of course not. They can’t. Well, we could during the glory days of the British Empire.

Your slandering is becoming offensive.

American police beat them in any nicer way than taiwanese police?

Wasn’t really hard.

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What does this have to do with America?

If anything, it shows the higher ups are doing their job. It was caught and dealt with.

Corruption is everywhere. But it doesnt mean every cop is corrupt and incapable of doing their job.

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