Autism and vaccines

these aren’t lab studies. where are the lab studies supporting alum adjuvant safety? i’ve cited 7+ demonstrating neurotoxic effects from injected alum adjuvant.

that’s quite the admission. yeah, the CDC is lying about vaccine safety. they have no lab studies to support their bogus safety assertions.

why read pro injury counter argument sites that don’t have a single lab study they can reference in support of alum adjuvant safety? it should be easy to follow the methods of shaw/french teams and disprove them, if alum adjuvant truly were safe.

neurotoxic alum proven to travel through the blood brain barrier means “nothing”? lol, nice logic.


“AANs Photographed in Mouse Brain
An impressive study by Khan et al. shows that AANs and other nanoparticles (e.g. latex particles) injected intramuscularly (into the leg) travel into the brain. AANs were detected in the brain and spleen, up to one year after injection. These results contradict the long-assumed “100% of adjuvant dissolves into the blood” and “aluminum adjuvant remains harmlessly at the injection site” myths believed by vaccine promoters”

“Khan observed that transport of AANs depends on MCP-1, which indicates that the macrophages are responsible for transporting the nanoparticles.”

“This occurs at an extremely low rate in normal mice, the percentage of injected particles found in tissues being estimated at 1:105 in d21 spleen and 1:107 in d90 brain, consistent with the excellent tolerance of almost
all individuals to limited doses of alum and other injected particles… on the other hand, alum has high neurotoxic potential [49], and planning administration of continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population should be carefully evaluated by regulatory agencies since the compound may be insidiously unsafe. It is likely that good tolerance to alum may be challenged by a variety of factors including overimmunization, BBB immaturity, individual susceptibility factors …”

“overimmunization”, as in 300% increase in alum adjuvant containing vaccines since the 1980s.

of course not, and glad you finally admitted it.

good luck convincing anyone of that, given male infants/childen are being diagnosed at 3:1. have you done your homework and figured out why , yet?

  1. indeed it is.

  2. well, is your quote citation referencing 1 month exposure or 3 month exposure? pre or post admitted data manipulation? to answer that, you’ll have to answer whether verstraeten and the CDC decided to present the most damaging/causation findings at the emergency gathering in 2000. i suspect you know the answer to that.

When there are other ways to check/show the safety of alum adjuvant, why should they do a lab study killing animals?? And they have not done a lab study don’t degrade their counter arguments. As far as the counter arguments are valid, they should be replied regardless who said.

You put quite a lot of sources here, for some multiple times, I tried to summarize them.

I categolized them into 5 groups. If I’m missing or dodging something, please let me know it.

  1. Parents who were awarded conpensation for kids’ vaccine injuries.
  2. CDC covered up autism and vaccine relation.
  3. Maternal Immune Activation and Autism
  4. Aluminum adjuvant and Autism
  5. Others

As a summary, you repeatedly mentioned that a causal relationship between aluminum in vaccines and autism is proved, however, none of your references proves it. It is just sugested. if not “might be suggested”, by selected studies at the most. Just reading those papers, it is far from being proved. If your reason to beleive that vaccine causes autism is the existence of papers saying vaccine may cause autism, it is weak as a reason because there are many other papers saying vaccines don’t cause autism.

In addition, if the relation between vaccine and autism is proved as clearly as non-expert people can understand, many scientists in other fields must notice it and raise their voices, even if CDC doctors might try to cover it. That has not been happened yet, which supports my judgement that it is not proved yet.

  1. Parents who were awarded conpensation for kids’ vaccine injuries.

You put two cases of Hannah Poling and Leo Smith, and said “there was zero doubt poling’s $20mill judgement/injuries were the direct result of 9+ vaccines in one day”.

I think it is true, otherwise the vaccine court awarded hes conpemsation. However, as for Poling’s case at least, it seems the court didn’t say cavvine caused the girl’s autism.

I couldn’t find much information on Leo Smith’s case.

  1. CDC Whistleblower

You repeatedly mentioned that CDC covered up what they know, and brought up CDC Whistleblower(William Thompson) story as an example.

CDC Whistleblower seems to be Wakefield/Hooker’s “fraud” charge against CDC.

The William Thompson Documents. There’s no whistle to blow.

A look back at the so called “CDC Whistleblower” story and how Vaxxed is…

  1. Maternal Immune Activation and Autism

You said "The relation between IL-6 and autism is proof that anyone can manufacture autism strictly by triggering IL-6, as proven by Caltech/UCSD/MIT, etc. " , “the fact autism is caused by immune activation, specifically surges in IL-6, both prenatally and postnatally”, and listed four papers on Maternal Immune Activation, spexifically on IL-6.

Those papers are on the relation between Maternal Immune Activation/IL-6 and autism, and nothing on vaccine or aluminum adjuvant, except for Knuesel et al. 2014 paper, which says “At issue here is whether the mother’s immune response to vaccination might cause an mIA response of its own accord through generation of antibodies against influenza-related epitopes.” That is far from saying that a causal relationship between vaccines and autism is proved.

Your sources

Maternal Immune Activation Alters Fetal Brain Development through Interleukin-6
Smith, Stephen E. P. and Li, Jennifer and Garbett, Krassimira A. and Mirnics, Károly and Patterson, Paul H.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2007

This paper is about IL-6 among MIA as a cause of behavioral deficits, but nithing about vaccine or aluminum adjuvant.

Maternal immune activation yields offspring displaying mouse versions of the three core symptoms of autism.
NV Malkova, CZ Yu, EY Hsiao, MJ Moore and PH Patterson, Brain, behavior, and immunity, May 2012

The study was modeling full blown infection, not vaccination. It is not a valid comparison.

Maternal immune activation promotes hippocampal kindling epileptogenesis in mice.
E Pineda, D Shin, SJ You, S Auvin, R Sankar and A Mazarati
Annals of neurology, Jul 2013

This study is about critical role of IL-6 in the development of autism-
like behavior following MIA, and mechanisms of comorbidity between autism and epilepsy, but nothing on vaccine or aluminum adjuvant.

Maternal immune activation and abnormal brain development across CNS disorders.
I Knuesel, L Chicha, M Britschgi, SA Schobel, M Bodmer, JA Hellings, S Toovey and EP Prinssen
Nature reviews. Neurology, Nov 2014

"The increasing awareness of mIA and its mechanisms may offer guidance for improvement of public health interventions such as vaccinations, antibiotic and/or antiviral therapy, immune modulators, and dietary adjustments. These interventions might help to minimize the incidence of mIA-associated diseases beyond what has been achieved by public health recommendations for maternal–fetal health that are already firmly in place. "

“For example, the decline in schizophrenia incidence in some developed countries might be associated with the widespread use of anti-infective agents and the consequent reductions in maternal infections, including genital and reproductive infections. By contrast, decreases in inflammatory conditions owing to disruption to gut microbiota (secondary to increased hygiene and antibiotic use in developed countries) might increase the likelihood of autoantibody production during pregnancy, thereby increasing the risk of disorders such as ASD.”

“Vaccination against influenza is already recommended in women planning to become pregnant in the near future, or who are already pregnant, owing to the risks associated with infection during pregnancy, and favourable safety and efficacy data. The existing safety data regarding maternal vaccination during
pregnancy mainly focuses on maternal outcomes, and on early fetal and infant development; long-term follow-up data on the incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders in the offspring of mothers vaccinated during pregnancy is scant. At issue here is whether the mother’s immune response to vaccination might cause an mIA response of its own accord through generation of antibodies against influenza-related epitopes. Against this background, treatment or prophylaxis targeting bacterial and viral infections in pregnant women may offer considerable potential for reducing the incidence of a wide range of CNS disorders.”

  1. Aluminum adjuvant and Autism

It is not proved yet. The newest paper (Crepeaux et al.) by the Gherardi research group in France itself says “In the context of massive development of vaccine-based strategies worldwide, the present study may suggest that aluminium adjuvant toxicokinetics and safety require reevaluation.”

They don’t say “suggest”, but “may suggest”.

In addition, there are many counter arguments and papers with different conclusions. Some are below.

Blood and Hair Aluminum Levels, Vaccine History, and Early Infant Development

Updated aluminum pharmacokinetics following infant exposures through diet and vaccination.
Mitkus RJ, King DB, Hess MA, Forshee RA, Walderhaug MO.
Vaccine. 2011 Nov 28

Antivax Myth: “Vaccines contain toxic aluminum” - Vaccine F.Y.I.

vaxplanations: “Injection vs Ingestion. Myths and Facts.”

Christopher Exley: Using bad science to demonize aluminum adjuvants in vaccines

UBC researchers pull paper linking vaccine component to autism after data alleged to be manipulated

Aluminum toxicity in vaccines – here we go again with bad science

Your sources

the 2000 simpsonwood transcripts

Dr. Verstraeten, pg. 40
we have found statistically significant relationships
Exposures at one, three and six months of age, the entire category of neurodevelopmental delays, which includes all of these plus a number of other disorders
Dr. Verstraeten pg. 44,pg. 76
Dr. Egan, pg. 77: “Could you do this calculation for aluminum?”
Dr. Verstraeten [CDC], pg. 77: “I did it for aluminum…Actually the results were almost identical to ethylmercury because the amount of aluminum goes along almost exactly with the mercury one.”

“This is a transcripts of a meeting/conference. Is the result pubulished on a reviewed journal? If not, it is just there is a doctor that he found statistically significant relationships between aluminum in vaccine and autism. In addition, there are many other statistical studies saying there is no relationships between vaccine and autism.”

Aluminum adjuvant linked to Gulf War illness induces motor neuron death in mice.
MS Petrik, MC Wong, RC Tabata, RF Garry and CA Shaw,
Neuromolecular medicine, 2007

Quoted from :
“A small study that was never replicated, has nothing to do with autism, and was done on mice. How very not at all fascinating. But it has “aluminum adjuvant” in the title, so goodness knows it simply must be included on this list.”

Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration.
CA Shaw and MS Petrik
Journal of inorganic biochemistry, Nov 2009

Brain IL-6 elevation causes neuronal circuitry imbalances and mediates autism-like behaviors.
H Wei, KK Chadman, DP McCloskey, AM Sheikh, M Malik, WT Brown and X Li,
Biochimica et biophysica acta, Jun 2012

Quoted from: “A “professor” who isn’t talks science about vaccines that isn’t
“This paper is full of weasel words: like “may” and “could” and “probably” in describing the supposed mechanism for maternal immune activation giving rise to brain IL-6 and how that then leads to autism…With some added leaps from behaviours observed in mice to autism which lack credibility…”

Administration of aluminium to neonatal mice in vaccine-relevant amounts is associated with adverse long term neurological outcomes.
CA Shaw, Y Li and L Tomljenovic, Journal of inorganic biochemistry, Nov 2013

Quoted from
“basing a paper on the ecological study #13, which as we know is incredibly weak. Anyway, this is a study on mice given “high” or “low” doses of subcutaneous aluminum. They exhibit some vague differences on certain mice tests. Does this translate to humans? Hardly.”

Note: #13:Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?

Quoted from
“They not only abuse statistics but also use misdirection and multiple leaps to conclusions by impling that aluminum causes inflammation, people with autism have signs of increased inflammation, and therefore aluminum may cause autism. They found a correlation, but there is no causation to be found.”

Comment on “Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?"

Microglial activation in young adults with autism spectrum disorder.
K Suzuki, G Sugihara, Y Ouchi, K Nakamura, M Futatsubashi, K Takebayashi, Y Yoshihara, K Omata, K Matsumoto, KJ Tsuchiya, Y Iwata, M Tsujii, T Sugiyama and N Mori, JAMA psychiatry, Jan 2013

Quoted from
“Sigh. Yet another example of someone who doesn’t understand the words latching onto a few of them. You see, because the title says “microglial” and “autism”, so that must mean that vaccines cause autism. Or something like that. One major problem: there is no evidence that vaccines can induce increased microglial density.”

Slow CCL2-dependent translocation of biopersistent particles from muscle to brain.
Z Khan, C Combadière, FJ Authier, V Itier, F Lux, C Exley, M Mahrouf-Yorgov, X Decrouy, P Moretto, O Tillement, RK Gherardi and J Cadusseau, BMC medicine, Apr 2013 04

Their conclusionis “This occurs at a very low rate in normal conditions explaining good overall tolerance of alum despite its strong neurotoxic potential. However, continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population MAY become insidiously unsafe, especially in the case of overimmunization or immature/altered blood brain barrier or high constitutive CCL-2 production.”

I understand the conclusion says whether continuously escalating doses of this poorly biodegradable adjuvant in the population is unsafe or not has not been proved.

Quoted from:
“Finally some real meat! A discussion on aluminum potassium sulfate (alum) and how it can persist! About time we got something I can sink my teeth into. Ok, let’s see. The researchers injected mice with alum and found that it can persist in distant organs (including the spleen and brain) for at least a year. Ok, so that means . . . nothing. Especially when they conclude that “This occurs at a very low rate in normal conditions explaining good overall tolerance of alum despite its strong neurotoxic potential”. It may be increased in an extremely small subset of the population with an anomolous CCL-2 gene. The research there is ongoing, but the authors essentially say that alum is very well tolerated. Another case where Ginger and her colleagues didn’t understand a word of what they were reading, but gosh the title sure sounds scary.”

Neonatal vaccination with bacillus Calmette-Guérin and hepatitis B vaccines modulates hippocampal synaptic plasticity in rats.
Q Li, F Qi, J Yang, L Zhang, H Gu, J Zou, Q Yuan and Z Yao
Journal of neuroimmunology, Nov 2015 15

Biopersistence and brain translocation of aluminum adjuvants of vaccines.
RK Gherardi, H Eidi, G Crépeaux, FJ Authier and J Cadusseau
Frontiers in neurology, 2015

This is a review article using (cherry-picked) data to suggest that aluminum in vaccines accumulates in the brain and nervous system, causing “toxic effects.” So, I think we cannot count this paper as an independent research paper supporting their conclution, when there are many counter arguments on many of referenses they cited in this paper.

See: Another “Frontiers In” journal steps in it

Non-linear dose-response of aluminium hydroxide adjuvant particles: Selective low dose neurotoxicity.
G Crépeaux, H Eidi, MO David, Y Baba-Amer, E Tzavara, B Giros, FJ Authier, C Exley, CA Shaw, J Cadusseau and RK Gherardi
Toxicology, Jan 2017 15

It seems the paper has got many critisism from many scientists, and one example is a published letter by D. Hawkes on Toxicology. There is no reply by the authors of the paper except for a retracted letter on the same journal.

Questions about the methodological and ethical quality of a vaccine adjuvant critical paper
David Hawkes, Joanne Benhamu
Toxicology, 15 August 2017

RETRACTED: Letter to the editor
Guillemette Crépeaux, Christopher Exley, Christopher A.Shaw, Romain K.Gherar
Toxicology, 1 September 2017

Also see: Anti-vaccine pseudoscientist Christopher Shaw retracted – shocking news

“The study did not provide us with any significant data supporting the hypothesis (that large amounts of aluminum can cause neurological conditions in mice). The study included 36 subgroups of analysis, yet they only provided data for six of them, and the statistics for those six groups were underwhelming at best. My guess is that the other 30 groups had worse statistics.”

“Toxicology is a moderately low ranked journal, so maybe they’re desperate for articles, irrespective of scientific quality. But there is harsh commentary about the study from across the scientific world – it should be retracted.”

Part 5: Vaccines and Immune Activation

Introduction to Al Adjuvant and Autism-20 pages, 97 references

Thses are review articles or reference lists using (cherry-picked) papers to suggest that aluminum in vaccines accumulates in the brain and nervous system, causing “toxic effects.” So, I think we cannot count this paper as an independent research paper supporting their conclution, when there are many counter arguments on many of referenses they cited in this paper.

“Vaccine Aluminum Travels Into the Brain”

The below is a counter arguing blog on this theme.

For me, claims from pro-vaccine scientists sound more logical and rational than claims of anti-aging people.

However, if the anti-vaccine claims are coming from the belief that weak gene should be naturally culled, then the claim that we should stop using vaccine is logical at least. I don’t agree to it, though.

because “they” haven’t demonstrated alum adjuvant safety, hence the need to prove it, in the face of rising neurodevelopmental figures.

“And they have not done a lab study”

yeah. and that is the entire point, isn’t it? thanks for admitting it.

Did you read references I put, and in some sites I put?

the ones that prove autism is a direct result of immune activation / immune mediation, and not genetics?

did you ever address whether CDCs verstraeten is referring to 1 month or 3 month exposure data, as you previously asked?

I think neither you nor me put such papers here.

sorry, I might forget about it. Which one is it directly?

And again, please give me direct answers, instead of vague reply.

sure you did. one of many:

autism is an immune mediated disorder.

did the one say vaccine causes it?

the study you cited is one of many proving autism is immune mediated.

if I understand correctly, the issue is whether vaccine causes autism or not. And there is no paper that proves it, though you say it is proved.

i’m sure you understand it correctly, you just won’t acknowlege the autism is immune mediated, and the genetic explanation is a proven falsehood.

there is no paper proving alum adjuvant safety, hence vaccine safety is being challenged with corroborating studies proving alum adjuvant neurotoxicity.

then, please let me know the paper that proved vaccine causes autism.

versraeten and the CDC published one. funny, you asked about this a few posts ago but refused to acknowledge it.

cdc whistleblower brian thompson stated they were about to publish a MMR causation paper as well, before it was altered to hide the causation.

you forgot to acknowledge this as well:

there is no paper proving alum adjuvant safety, hence vaccine safety is being challenged with corroborating studies proving alum adjuvant neurotoxicity.