Avai tsou foreign criminals and crimes in taiwan


I say again:

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Wow, this guy has serious issues.

Youā€™re in the group lol

I was pre-banned on set up. Seriously, I wish I had a better class of detractor.

I long for the days when @jdsmith and I didnā€™t like each other. He was a worthy opponent.

Damn this healing thru time.

foreign criminals and crimes in Taiwan

What goes on in that group? Iā€™m tempted to make a Facebook just to find out. Looks like thereā€™s lots of material to add to my cringe collection.

You are not the size of your enemies. But I do not know what it means to have such persistent ones ā€¦ And I got some that approach that level but not by that much!

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Itā€™s interesting that despite the groupā€™s name, they also cover crimes committed by locals. Point out the discrepancy to them and instead of providing an explanation or remedying the situation, they get snippy.

Heā€™s the Taiwanesiest.

Thatā€™s one freaky site I just checked out the [redacted by mod] !!!

Thatā€™s so funny. I saw your reply email and went, ā€œWTH did I write in that thread to piss off Toe Save? I was doing so well.ā€ :idunno:

Maybe hit him with a few old-fashioned insults, take his mind off that nasty non-foreigner.

Whatā€™s the address how to find it?

Seems to be dead.

But, ultimately, you did get my meaning, right?

Apparently, Super Sleuth Dickhead is now calling out another friend of mine as a ā€œsnitchā€ that gave me the screen shot. Like everything else in his pitiful life, he is wrong. And calling someone else a snitch? Thatā€™s rich. Like a kangaroo from his country of origin, he sure loves to jump to conclusions. What a douche. Dragging people that had nothing to do with this into his maelstrom of malcontent.

I donā€™t get it. Taiwanese kids get busted for drugs and your name gets dragged through the mud? What the fnck did you do to that poor little fella? Pick him last in a shinny game or something?

I dislike cowards who hide behind the screen. People like this needs to face real life consequences. You know he wonā€™t say shit in person.

Thank you to everyone for your kindness and support, both here and IRL. But I am fine. I am, in fact, glad that he is outing himself for what he is.

As for what I ā€œdidā€ to him, I, like many of you, have called him out on his bullshit. He just happens to know who I am IRL (not that big a secret really), so he comes after me.

Like a good friend said, itā€™s like wrestling with pigsā€¦youā€™re gonna get dirty.


I knew these two brothers back home that foolishly accepted a summer job cleaning up an abattoir that had gone under 2 years before, and the owners had just shut the doors and walked away. So for 2 years, all the blood and viscera and shit and filth had just been sitting there rotting and getting fouler and fouler.
Even with hazmat suits, steam hoses, the whole rig, they lasted about two days, pretty much non-stop sicking up until they were both puking blood, before they, too walked away, even when the guy offered to double their pay.

5 or 6 years later, they both said that every now and then they would still catch a random whiff of the indescribable stench, and expected they always would.

Some things are so vile you donā€™t even want to go near them for fear of the stink staying with you for life.


Not sure what you mean, by get your meaning? Now and way back when?

And, as I havenā€™t much been paying attention to this thread, is SatTV doing this stuff now, like now now? His flobclone was years and years agoā€¦seriously disturbing amount of time and effort he or someone put into that.