Beer Alert & Directory II

I think I’ll have to get me some of those Jevers and a load of those Hommels in stock. Damn, those were fine brews. However Kenny, most of my beers will be house brewed.

As for location, my partners and I are working on that. With the Olympics coming in a few years, I believe we’ll stick to the southern coastal area of BC…perhaps not right in Van, but not too far off. I’ll keep ya posted so you know where to go to get your 'zas and beers on trips home :wink:

OK, so now I have 2 gods, and for a while I thought God was dead…

Bacchus and Ninkasi- a well rounded pair… so do they have a god of Vodka?

Here’s a few brewpubs I’ll be frequenting back home:

Keep the good beers flowing forumosans…life’s too short…



Did I have a beer sighting?

was at Breeze for lunch, saw someone walking up the escalator with a case of Crown lager…

Was it one of our group???

[quote=“Sharky”]Did I have a beer sighting?

was at Breeze for lunch, saw someone walking up the escalator with a case of Crown lager…

Was it one of our group???[/quote]

It was probably Amos that you saw carrying that case :wink:


Hey Sharky, that was me. I gave you a smile just after I dropped the newspaper plus you were on the phone so I didn’t want to disturb you to offer a drink :wink:

[quote]A friend is organizing a beer festival for Gaoxiong City Government to be held in early September. Taiwan Beer are sponsoring. He’s got the Heinekens and other big brands involved.

The benighted people of Gaoxiong deserve better. Who else should he contact? Does anyone have the number of distributors of more interesting brands?

Participation would mean having a booth, selling some beer and getting some publicity. [/quote]I started a separate thread for responses

Sorry double post. When I was in there I was talking to the manager (I think) who spent some time in Aus, he reckons he’ll be getting VB some time soon too, although if it’s priced the same as crownies, well I’ll stick to the lager.

Thought it was one of the group!

Amos, you up for a get together at Jolly… trying to round up some of the crew! But, how did you know it was me??? other than the fact that a bunch of lushes are now hanging out there???

Hey Tigger,

did you get the konig ludwig at Breeze? If so they are sold out :frowning:

[quote=“Sharky”]Thought it was one of the group!

Amos, you up for a get together at Jolly… trying to round up some of the crew! But, how did you know it was me??? other than the fact that a bunch of lushes are now hanging out there???[/quote]


Didn’t mean to ignore your initial post re this matter at Jolly. I’d love to go. I’m just ridiculously busy now getting ready to go back to the States… but I’m not precluding anything.

[quote=“Sharky”]Hey Tigger,

did you get the konig ludwig at Breeze? If so they are sold out :-([/quote]

Got that up in the foreign ghetto (aka Tianmu) at Uli’s.

Sharky wrote[quote]Thought it was one of the group!

Amos, you up for a get together at Jolly… trying to round up some of the crew! But, how did you know it was me??? other than the fact that a bunch of lushes are now hanging out there???[/quote]Hey, where or what is the Jolly??? I only started reading the beer thread when Sandman gave me a Aussie beer alert PM :blush:. How did I know it was you? Well I was just about to post my VB news here when I saw your message, plus you had a nice smile.

Directions please…
I might get clearance from 2X3M…

OK, so who is in for a Jolly run this Friday evening for some “malty drink” and Thai food. ??? I was thinking 7ish, a few beers and then anyone wanting to drink some additional beers can go on from there ( I may not be able to follow on… little sharks need mommy sometimes)

The resturant is in Neihu, but it is really not far from downtown, just over the MinQuan bridge. I will go look up the thread on Jolly, which I believe has a complete set of directions…

Back in a flash… ok here is the link with the address … ight=jolly

Look at Sharky posting about beer at 9:00 in the morning! :laughing:

Sharky… I don’t know if I can make it this week… Tons of stuff to do and I’m way behind.

Sharky would love to be able to come. Won’t, unfortunately, be in town.

Have fun and one for me.

That’s Father’s Day here, and some of us here may have inlaw obligations…

Saturday works also, if we need to…

yeah 9am on monday all I can think about is BEER. Much better than work :frowning:

Read Amos post and got all excited. Lordy, Cascade, Boags and Carlton at Breeze! Wandered in with the heart rate up a notch. Voila! Beers a plenty. Then it sadly dawned on me, alright I’ll go Cascade in Oz, Boags too, but damn, not when there’s a range of untried Belgian beers at a cheaper price.

I left with just one sorry Cascade under my arm but with a basket full of new beers to try.