Bicycle crashed into me - Nobody's fault - She wants me to pay 5000NT

You can also sign up for a mediation meeting. There should be a mediation office at your local city hall ( 公所). You can sign up for an appointment there (although it might be for a month into the future). The mediation office will send the other party (nasty lady) an official notice to attend a mediation meeting at such and such a date. I believe that before any case like this goes to court, it is a legal requirement to first attempt mediation. She is legally required to attend mediation, else it will look very bad for her.

edit: sorry I forgot, you need the 30-day police report in order to sign up for the mediation meeting

At mediation, they will ask the lady to present documentation of her “injuries” and any documentation of repairs to the bike or if it’s unrepairable. Did the police take any photos of her bike at the scene of the accident? If yes, you can pick these up for free at the police station.

Are you communicating with this person in Chinese or English? If I were you, for my own sanity, I would stop communicating with her. She sounds terrible.

Try to get some help if you can, a friend who is a local, or even a lawyer. The only other hope you have is if the police report states that no one is at fault or that you are not at fault. (You want to get someone knowledgeable to interpret the police report, as it can sometimes be obtuse.)

By the way, if you’re interested i found the other thread about a pedestrian being hit by a bicyclist, and the bicyclist threatening to sue. Although in that case, no police report was filed.