Biden’s Southern Border Policies

How does a professional educator lack the ability to discern thst that wash examiner is a yellow rag?

I can see why there may have been some run ins.

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More than half the smugglers consulted said they had transported unaccompanied minors in recent weeks, moving them by bus, car, boat and even by plane, which one well-connected smuggler called his network’s “faster new method” to bring children up from Central America.

The trips cost thousands of dollars per child and are often financed by parents or relatives already in the United States.

If that is true, then CPS should be asking them a whole LOT of questions.

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Only kids coming and it’s OK as they are not ‘insurgents’.

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Here are a couple of kids:

Why are you so fearful of big government in your personal life but so cheerleading of hard line big government immigration policy? you’re authoritarian one minute and cheering on ice raids, then the next youre so afraid of the police state you saif you don’t carry a sim card in your phone.

make a call, would ya?


Why do you seem to think everything is black and white with no grey?
I don’t have a sim card because I don’t need one or want one. It would be a waste of time and money. It is not because of any ‘tracking’. But it is nice not being a phone zombie.
I like individualism. Big government and those on the far left and right don’t. It became popular in the late 60s. Seems to have been targeted now and is frowned upon.
I don’t believe in open borders. I support legal migration. You can call that ‘big government’ if you like.
I have no issues with illegals being arrested and deported. Did you protest in Taiwan when they would deport criminals?

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Children and asylum seekers are not criminals.

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Illegal immigration is illegal. Who would’ve thought?

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Your sentence doesn’t contradict mine. Whats your point?

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Again? You may not be a phone zombie, but your location and your information revealed is the same as any other phone zombie.

Now that Democrats are in complete control of the legislative process you’d think they’d repeal all the immigration laws they’re flouting now. I’m guessing they’ll leave them on the books though as window dressing.

So what.
I don’t care about tracking and location and information.

Why would any low wage worker want illegal migrant workers?

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Free taxpayer money! Come and get it!

Undocumented workers could receive up to $15,600, the equivalent of $300 per week for the last year, if they can verify that they were state residents, ineligible for federal unemployment benefits and lost income as a result of the pandemic.

I’m OK paying taxes to immunize people or keep them afloat financially since they’re ineligible for other federal benefits.

People benefit from their cheap labor and services.

“When the coronavirus arrived in New York City a year ago, it hit enclaves of undocumented immigrants with a fury, killing thousands and wiping out the service and construction jobs that kept many families afloat.”

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That’s good because there are millions more where those 290,000 illegal immigrants in New York State came from and with open borders the sky’s the limit.

I’m in Jersey, not to worry.

With open borders, they could work legally and above board without all the extra police hoopla. Not an endorsement so don’t go calling this my stance on the issue, but just saying it might be something to consider. Do you envision a scenario where an influx of political dissidents lets up? I don’t. Why not employ them and let them contribute?

I don’t care what happens in the U.S. anymore. I’m just wondering how I can get me $15,600 too rather than the couple thousand dollars U.S. citizens got.

A. Risk your life and family migrating across a continent, knowing you may never see your family again.
B. Indebt yourself to traffickers who may or may not hose you
C. Risk your life, saftey, future and status as a free civilian to cross the border
D. Once you arrive, if lucky enough to do so without death or indefinite incarceration without due process, accept under the table jobs at subpar wages with no health care or protection, long hours and abysmal working conditions. Live in continuous threat of violence and abuse, especially if female.
E. Work dogged long hours at said jobs under continuous fear of deportation.
F. Repeat E.
G. Repeat E.