Canadian Politics/News

I am more disgusted by the whole Governor General debacle. This Astronaut had a history of bullying in many jobs and even hurt somebody with her vehicle in the US (wonder if the late US Senator Ted Kennedy was a mentor :smiley: :laughing:) but was cleared of it. They knew all this stuff before her appointment, but Golden Pony/PM Trudeau didn’t care. He wanted a Quebecois Astronaut.

Quizing your employees on planets? I would have told her to search for Klingons in Uranus LOL. Gov. Gen. Payette has created a toxic climate of harassment and verbal abuse at Rideau Hall, sources allege | CBC News


Actually, it’s clear they didn’t do the proper background check.

This is part of it.
But look at her resume. She’s quite the woman. Too bad she’s kind of nuts

one wonders if a man with the same resume would have gotten the job with the same level of background check, given Trudeau’s unapologetically ‘feminist’ approach to governance

Not sure. Her resume makes her a good candidate. There’s no defending this oversight. I really don’t think he overlooked it on purpose, that would make zero sense.
I’m happy trudeau is making appointments to mirror Canadian society.
Hopefully this sets up a better selection process. I know the conservatives had set one up and it’s unclear why trudeau didn’t use it since he set up a similar process for choosing senators.

I put this to lack of experience and oversight as there’s no reason to ignore her past as it was bound to come out


I’m not so sure, hard for us to say

Yes, generally he has done a good job with appointments (nobody gets it right all the time)

Harper would have agreed

Haha, that’s a classic ad

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Looking like Trudeau is gonna have a tough time in the next election. O’Toole might be able to just sit tight and wait to be voted in (after two terms of the same government he will already have an advantage)

Not likely,
O’toole isn’t gaining any popularity and his support is too concentrated. He has about as much of a chance as Jagmeet.

Do you think Otoole will end FPTP?
Do you think he can end westerns feelings of alienation?
Which provinces do you think he can make gains in to get closer to as majority?

Liberals still riding high.

Finally, ontario might get one step closer to Taiwan’s 711s

Just perusing this after conversing here:

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Isnt the wutang clan the only group legally justified to be pissed off for ripping off their brand? China always talks nicely about sharing and using other companies patents…where is the problem?

It was quite a well thought out plan by that canadian guy and his buddy. Well done. Jokes and natural resources are the only things canadians tend to use in battle now a days.

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The NDP are quite interesting. They grew out of a populist party that was very socialist, the CCF. I suggest looking up Ed Broadbent. He was the leader while trudeau sr. was PM. He is a big reason Canada ended up so liberal. Since Canada had 3 viable federal parties, the socialists pulled the centrist liberal very far to the left at times.
In recent years the NDP moved closer to the middle but it wasn’t successful.
Jagmeet is quite far to the left. As was mentioned before, he is on par with AOC

Also, the CCF is really interesting. They’re the ones who started universal healthcare. They became the NDP

I am a socialist. But i also realize capitalism is a necesarry part of peace and equality in order to have a standard to pay for social projects. That said, it is insanely hard to vote for a socialist party as they all tend to be pretty extreme and bias, working against their own goals. As can be said the the extremes on the other end of the spectrum. Socialist methodology that understands and uses currency, whilst still understanding the current use of money is probably about spit on. The problem is, nice guys finish last and now we have nukes. Probably would have been better if we were FAR more mature before starting to expand to other planets and become a space cancer. The borg is likely our future.

Monkeys with sticks, we still be…but the sticks are certainly fancy!

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Where are you from @Explant. I don’t think I’ve really talked to you much

Ah, the NDP. :face_with_monocle: Tommy Douglas also supported eugenics and called homosexuality a mental illness.
(462) Tommy Douglas NDP Hero and Legendary Icon on Homosexuality. - YouTube

Tommy Douglas’s enthusiasm for eugenics being airbrushed by Canadians: MD | National Post

The CCF/NDP of the middle to late 20th C appealed to evangelicals on the prairies and traditionally socially conservative rural and blue-collar voters. The Party of Douglas or Broadbent is not the party of today. Perhaps that is why it is now barren in its birthplace of Saskatchewan. Today, it is the party of teachers, trust fund hipsters and new age types that believe Jesus wore Birkenstocks, :laughing:

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Ah, yes, all those hipsters logging and fishing in the Queen Charlottes/Haida Gwaii, Prince Rupert, Bella Coola, Port Alberni…


It is a large party that has a presence across the country, obviously there are a variety of people who have voted NDP over the years. Anyone who thinks NDP voters are a perfectly homogenous group probably doesn’t have much brainpower to bring to the conversation. I think you, @ChewDawg, and I are reasonable and intelligent enough to grasp this.

I agree. But judging people against today’s standards is a tad ridiculous. Despite these flaws, they accomplished good things.

I disagree. The moved to the centre in an attempt to gain actual power and maybe one day govern.
McLaughlin was not exciting at all.
Layton might have been PM if not for the cancer.

Yep, unions and university types. I believe Jagmeet has taken as far to the left as it’s ever been

Of course there are. Some of them don’t have formed ideologies or are perhaps ignorant. That’s democracy for you.

No one has said that. I’m curious how you fit into the party. What about it calls you? From reading your posts you’re more of a Bernier Boy, but to each their own

Grow up bro. I’d like to keep this thread about Canadian politics and less about petty grievances if that’s ok with you?


personal, not nice