Canadians of Forumosa, I have a question

I think this will take a bit of time as Parliament is out of session.

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I don’t intend to stop following up. But every effort puts more snow on the snowball. My followups will continue. If this is successful, this will help a lot of Canadians join our Australian and British friends in their abilities to get dual citizenship.

That means more snow on the pressure snowball we can put on the Taiwanese government.

All of this is additive. Eventually the ball will roll down the hill.

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absolutely. even if fellow canadians dont participate, at least appreciate the effort of others trying to do something. there is no negative angle to trying to add to this snowball. thanks.

No problems. Although, there are a wide variety of ways for people to participate that don’t involve the literal legwork I put in. I brought a few testimonials from Canadians both on and off the site. Had my words recorded as well. Brought in several other examples where Canadians can find themselves getting very similar shafts in developed countries, like the Kingdom of Spain and Bulgaria in particular. Brought in the relevant Taiwanese laws. Painstakingly highlighted everything of importance. Brought in the relevant Canadian laws and pointed out where the hole was. Brought the relevant British and Australian laws as requested by the MP.

People can donate to me (Setup to be determined in the future) and write to me. People have jobs and lives to tend to, but we live in the age of UNLIMITED worldwide communication.

I have the time and energy to do legwork where others may not.

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if you feel like sharing, I bet your documents as per examples of canadian and Taiwan law would greatly help others pick up the pen and contact our various government officials as that work is already done. obviously not the examples from people that you have collected, but the laws you showed your mp. if you could post them, or PM them, it would be quite the time saver and could only be worked on to further improve the argument with more people interested because they dont need to start from scratch and work alone.

at least for me, I would quite appreciate that. I bet others would as well.

Yup Poagao and cooling tower renounced their US shitty passports and I renounced my Australian shitty passport. None of them any use in Taiwan that’s why we tossed them away.

I guess to you other people renouncing their “shitty” passports didn’t give up anything worthwhile to them? After all they could have kept their citizenship from abroad and got APRC’s. Maybe they are just shitty immigrants from a shitty country with shitty passports to you? Why not just renounce your Italian one knowing you can resume that?
After all you don’t have to renounce all your foreign citizenships.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Well that is not true they can get citizenship, just as the other 145,000 foreigners who have done so. No such thing as reciprocity. Taiwan basically followed the German HH ID card and Nationality law. So you could claim they used that for reciprocity :slight_smile:

Fact is Canada does not care if you lose Canadian citizenship and cannot get it back easily. Canada also change citizenship law so that those who were born outside of Canada and got citizenship by descent cannot pass on Canadian citizenship to their children unless they are born in Canada.

Does Canada have reciprocation for other countries in its laws? No. Of course not. Otherwise you would need many different citizenship laws which would be discriminatory. Now don’t get me wrong I would like to see all APRC and JFRV holders be allowed to get citizenship here without renunciation. But then again some of them won’t because they would lose their birth citizenship by doing so.

Irrelevant, Canada gets all the immigrants they want and then some.

It is not irrelevant when you claim other countries should do so. Who is to say Taiwan does not get all the immigrants it wants? Why should Taiwan have reciprocity with other countries citizenship laws when those countries do not have reciprocity with Taiwan’s citizenship laws. Why not just get Canada to follow Taiwan’s citizenship laws?

It would be better if Taiwan just allowed Canadians to become dual citizens of Taiwan like they allow the reverse, but Canada has no control over that.

The gold card program and shrinking population, for starters

Why should other countries allow Taiwanese to become dual citizens when Taiwan doesn’t allow the reciprocal?

Because I believe immigration benefits everyone

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Why Canadians? Are they special? What about other foreigners who are not Canadians?

Other countries make their own laws and what Taiwan does is irrelevant to the laws of those countries. Do those countries take into account the citizenship laws in countries apart from Taiwan? No.

Before April 2002, immigrants to Australia could get Australian citizenship and keep their original citizenship if their home country allowed it. Australians who took citizenship of another country before April 2002 lost Australian citizenship by applying for another citizenship. So you see Australia never followed other countries laws it determined its own laws.

So you have immigrated to Taiwan. Dual or multiple citizenship is not a human right it is a privilege. Immigration does not equal citizenship. Many people who immigrate to Canada never become citizens there. Many countries have shrinking populations. Good thing the world is overpopulated anyway.

Why don’t you ask them? Ask your Canadian politicians to change the law so Taiwanese and people from other countries with laws like Taiwan cannot have dual citizenship.

Take a look at the thread topic. Also, I have an opinion about the Canadian government because I am Canadian. Also also, it matters to me because… well, you’re a smart guy, figure it out

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How do you know i haven’t already? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So did they even reply to you? I doubt it. We both know the Canadian government is not going to change its citizenship laws for one country of immigrants. After all that would be discrimination :slight_smile:

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The government of Taiwan is constantly seeking to formalize trade, investment, and other deals with nations around the world.

It is not out of the question that the unbalanced issue of naturalized citizenship (Taiwanese citizens are free to do whatever they want with Canadian citizenship, but not vice versa) could be raised as a condition to improve to help facilitate future talks.

Another route is what we could call the @Mataiou route: directly appealing to the Human Rights section of the Control Yuan to put pressure on the Executive Yuan to fix this issue.

Dealing with the Legislative Yuan directly is, as I expressed in another thread, a dead end as they have no incentive to listen to us as we are not (yet) voters.


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What an honour to have a route of complaining named after me, thanks mate🤣

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No worries! With your helpful approach, you definitely deserve not only honorary Taiwan citizenship but also honorary Canadian citizenship too. If you follow the latter route watch out for the pineapple pizza in Canada though. :rofl:
