Candid: Do guys in Taiwan not like girls who are a little fat?

Your Dad is sweet.

It’s awesome to have someone like that in your corner!



You just described every Taiwanese male.


My wife looks like that but with black hair


:rofl: :rofl:
this reminds me of a friend of mine who dated this tw chick for like 1-2 months and one day she told him he was fat and then blocked him.Mind you he looked pretty slim…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

seems to go both ways.


If you feel that way in the US, you’re definitely going to feel that more in Taiwan.

It’s an expression.

And many people lose their v-card before 18. Actually I would say most people have had sex before 18 in the West. In Taiwan it’s later because ppl are prudish af.


You should be quite pleased then.

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A little chubbier than that


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I didn’t mean to sexualise you in any way.
When a I grew up with this song was one of the few things that came close to body positivity for me.


That’s okay. I know your intentions were good. I forgive u


After I’d go from not even have had even a puppy love relationship straight to having sex

At least we got to nearly 100 posts before the thread went inevitably downhill …

However, as per the previous advice, bear in mind that plenty of men are assholes. Heard the phrase “fresh meat?”. And teenage hormones are what they are.


No options where you are right now?

Are you planning on college here?

To flip perspectives for a moment, young men full of angst about their lack of love life are often told to develop hobbies/interests. To develop their own lives.

Worst case scenario you come out of it with things to do and places to go. That’s more appealing than languishing, waiting for Prince Charming.


May I ask if you plan on staying in a big city, or more countryside-y? And what kind of size town/city did you live the last years?

We are probably all not saying anything revolutionary new here, but still: finding “the right one” (or even just “one that is physically attracted to me”, as in this question) is somewhat of a numbers game. Even in case you are not in a huge city like Taipei, there are so many people around that’s it’s near 100% guaranteed many can be found that are attracted to any given physique.

So, I think the question “do guys in TW like girls that look like me” is nothing to worry about at all.

Hopefully you can concentrate on the opposite question: “Do I like the guys in Taiwan?”, or how to find someone where you like both looks and personality.

Or how to even find out in the first place what’s important for you in a relationship. For me, that was the hardest part and needed some experimenting ^^

If you’re OK with non-english speakers then the pool of eligible lucky boys will be huge. If you prefer someone that speaks English and is maybe more “western minded”, then it’s a bit smaller pool… But should still be enough. Either way, good luck, and the best suggestion uncle olm can give you is: try skipping the a-holes, they’re not worth it :grandpa:


I see plenty of chubby girls here with cute Taiwanese boys.

Because you have this concern you can always change your body with diet and exercise. There are tons of resources available online that can help you. I’ve experienced a change in my body from bulky and muscular to skinny and muscular. I did it with diet and exercise.

I went on a date with a girl who used to be in really good shape but is now a little chubby. She has so many dates she sent me a list of my defects and blocked me !!!

Don’t take anything too seriously.

People are like seasons. They change.

You can have someone totally in love with you one day and they see something shiny and you become a stranger the next day.

The best advice is to be happy happy happy with yourself. Don’t depend on anyone or anything for your happiness.

Best of luck to all of us


The problem in Taiwan is that people will pick out physical flaws and tell you about them. This is best ignored because it’s a cultural thing. I do think guys here are a bit more image conscious than guys in the west, but there are still plenty of guys that would want to date you. The majority of people on here will be able to tell you stories about times where they’ve been picked on here for how they look in Taiwan. The trick is knowing that this is a culture that values fitting in, and the pressure to do that will crush you, if you aren’t confident enough to tell people to politely fuck off. So, don’t worry about it and don’t rush into anything.


It’s harsh out there! :rofl:



Aww how cute.

Anyway you should talk about this with people close to you, not (much older) strangers on internet.