Cap Marvel, Endgame & the Marvel Cinematic Universe 2019

Yeah I get where you’re coming from, and hopefully there’ll be an extended cut (I’m sure they shot more of Hala). But a HUGE part of filmmaking is to be able to grit your teeth and kill your darlings. We’re constantly in a grapple between run time/audience patience, and our storytelling desires.

I can’t think of an MCU movie that has an extended cut but I’d be all in on that. I get it though, they’re pretty tightly edited/constructed as is. Over 20 movies and I can’t think of a single scene I’d cut or anywhere really worth extending (well, maybe cut Thor The Dark World. Just cut it). I’m sure they could do extended cuts, but even the deleted scenes they’ve released you think, yeah… I get why they lost that.

YouTube has a lot of unused scenes, like Banner’s attempted suicide (and Captain America on ice cameo) from what would have been the beginning of The Incredible Hulk (they should have used that), to Cap meeting that waitress from what would have been the beginning of The Avengers (ditto).

In my mind my proposed changes would just be a slight rearrangements of the Torfa mission, and shouldn’t take any longer than the original. All it would require is for Yon-Rogg to spell out the two objectives in the briefing.

During the Torfa mission, the film spent time showing that most of Vers’ Starforce members being able to identify a Skrull, like Minn-Erva figuring out an impostor at the last moment. That makes Vers seem incompetent when she is shown as the only one unable to do so.

Those scenes can be shifted around to make room for Vers achieving objective one, and proceed directly to Vers getting captured to save her team.

I see why you’d like that.

It’s Vers, btdubs :wink:

Also best use spoiler tags for such a recent film :+1:

BTW, can Carol speak English now, or is she still relying on her communicator?

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thanks, fixed

I get the impression that Carol still only has pieces of her memories, so I imagine she is still using the communicator

Man, YouTube just suggested a few MCU honest trailers and I’ve completely forgotten that there was an actual RDJ cameo in Norhulk. Literally haven’t seen that one since it came out, and actually still have no desire to retread. Best to let it die in the abyss along with the other one.

One of the things I may sorta wanna do (though I doubt I’ll have the time) before Endgame is (re)view all of the MCU films chronologically in terms of Tesseract appearance and/or references. Which would provide an excuse to see Iron Man 2, Thor 2, CA: First Avenger, etc etc again.

Well, here’s a newsflash, @Rockefeller

Captain Marvel has become a political football all on its own. It wasn’t me who did that, and it wasn’t anybody here at forumosa who made it a political football, either. Disney, their casting choices, their marketing choices, and their decision (evidently) to work with review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes to protect Disney’s marketing investment have made it impossible to discuss CM without also talking about the hundreds of shenanigans and bizarre outcomes that have turned the movie into a political football.

There are any number of commenters and reviewers online who have made cogent and apt comments pointing out how CM is remarkable more for its politics than as a work of cinema.

For example, here is part of a review from a source that’s usually very friendly to Hollywood, The New Yorker.

“Captain Marvel” is like a political commercial—it packs a worthy message, but it hardly counts as an aesthetic experience. The message of the film is conveyed less through the story than through its casting: women and people of color need to have starring roles in major Hollywood productions, which, at the moment, mainly mean big-budget superhero movies, the most profitable films in the industry. Its implicit subject is more than representation—it’s also the redistribution of power in Hollywood. There are some secondary (but still significant) messages, too, but the movie itself is, for the most part, trivial. Its significance is what it promises for movies to come.

That you wish to make this thread a place for fanboys only was news to me. I had no idea that discussing adult ideas would cause you to fly into an ongoing conversation here and threaten to ban me within a handful of sentences, for reasons I don’t understand (you’ve done this twice to me now).

It’s probably a good idea for you to identify within the title those threads that you intend to exclude from adult discussion. For example, you might edit this title to something like:

“Cap Marvel, Endgame & the Marvel Cinematic Universe 2019 FANBOYS ONLY”

That would prove most useful to me and any others to whom you tend to fly off the handle, useful by way of warning that is.

That’s you making a personal attack on me.

All the numbers show that people want to watch Captain Marvel and the Rotten Tomato action was geared towards curbing politically motivated bashing of the movie. As the youtube video pointed out, numbers show it did very little to affect the box-office. The whole Disney and Rotten Tomato conspiracy is just that, a politically motivated conspiracy theory.

Get ready to see this comment and your political statement above moved to the appropriate thread below:

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Oh no doubt. I do not have high hopes for our A&E forum, not any more (and not as moderated now).

I just hope the advice about clearly identifying the safe-space topics is taken to heart (in the title, so users can see it at the top of every thread screen).

For me, criticizing a film’s casting only make sense if you are talking about whether or not it suited the role.

Yet, your complaints and the articles you cited criticize the film’s casting because of its presumed political meaning.

Since you refuse to watch the movie based on politically motivated reasons, and is unable to talk about the movie in a non-politically-motivated way, I think the moderator has every reason to move your discussions of this particular film to the political forum.


Well, based on how the moderator has threatened to ban me twice now, for reasons I don’t understand, I doubt s/he’ll need to come up with any reason at all to move it.

Put it this way. Based on my interactions so far, I would expect no more from this forum.

Every now and then, I forget that movie is part of the MCU. It’s the only MCU movie I haven’t bought on Blu-ray/UHD on release date and I only bought it on the cheap. I just don’t have much interest in it. It stands alone to me, I guess. I’m sure Edward Norton would have been fine if he’d continued as Bruce Banner but Ruffalo makes sure I don’t miss him one bit.

I can’t keep track of that bloody thing. When it showed up in Captain Marvel I had to do some mental calculations to figure out where it would have been in the 90s.

I see it as the infantilization of popular culture. But that’s just me.

Well, whatever Disney / Marvel have been doing, it seems to be working. A billion dollars! And here I was thinking it would do Ant-Man numbers. Not that anybody’s going to nominate it for an Oscar, mind you, but the movie seems to be doing what it was designed to do, i.e. make a big pile of moolah.

How is this any different from the popularity of Westerns way back when?

Talking about millions, Endgame ticket sales just started in the US - not yet in Taiwan.

And there is an even more explicit and gloomier trailer:

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Conjecture, conspiracy, conspiracy, wrong (others have done fine not doing it).

As I’ve told someone else: Blatantly politics-focused points do not belong in A&E. 1, there’s already a politics corner where that is designed for, and 2, there’s already a politics corner where that is designed for. We have different sections of Forumosa for a reason. I don’t drop by IP willy-nilly for a reason. I have always maintained that this is a safe space free from that noise and those kinds of squabbles.

You want to talk about politics, there’s in equal parts a welcomed safe space for that.

Lol this is the most wtf part, which is astonishing considering how low the bar is for you here apparently. Esp when I’ve even explicitly spelled out how you’ve been given so much leeway. If you’re going to lash out with dumb accusations to soothe your boohoo feels, BACK IT UP.

:rofl: Don’t try to bring anyone else into this. No one has spoken or is speaking for you.

Yeah, again: How exactly

Now that it’s clarified how how A&E works — if you have more political blabs about Marvel, go to that topic (it’s been created, in some parts because of you, yay! Aren’t you special). If you have a problem with me, take it to the feedback corner— For now I’ll allow all you’ve posted here thus far to stay.

If you decide to make a response post in feedback, tag me and I’ll link it below.

11 posts were split to a new topic: From MCU 2019

Westerns are based, in some measure, on reality?