Cat stealing parts



That’s why i like you

Have you considered getting bigger and heavier parts? If stealing stuff takes too much effort, your cat might find something else to do.


I’m speaking as a person with a billion vegan cats (rabbits) You basically have to just put it out of their reach. Make it a habbit to move it if you leave the room. Doesn’t matter if you’re leaving for 5 seconds - move that shit.


There is no “out of reach” with cats.

I have yet to witness a cat use a key to steal parts from inside a locked cabinet. :laughing:


Luckily humans have not yet been able to inbreed and deform cats like they have done to dogs. Munchkin and Persian cats aside, of course.

One of my cats suffers from pica. My clothes are his favorite snack. Hence, my dresser/closet/back balcony are off limits to cats. If I leave something outside and he tears a hole in it, it is my fault, not his.


Just a piece of string might work, too. Find out what movements the cat likes, and let it try to catch. Play time: until the cat is bored.

All my 4 are suckers for swinging/dangling strings. Best works colorful tape-like stuff, as they use to tie around pizza boxes.

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Bonus: it may still have a slight cheese smell.

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Well…one may say…2 wrongs dont make a right.

but I think people erroneously compare dogs and cats due to being common pets. when their actual biology and psychology are night and day. Dogs are social hierarchical, like our own species. Or like whales.

cats, at least the ones common as pets, are fairly solitary, not strictly but mostly, and are selfish be nature. like some spiders. they are only “social” through constant starvation an torture constructs paired with inbreeding to allow them to be tolerable (sonetines) indoors.

if one wants to force obedience against nature, then one should probably be pragmatic about the situation.

if we are being honest, it is quite cruelly to keep dogs, cats etc confined into cages (eg our homes) when they are naturally to roam km a day. but letting them out in a new land is also unethical because they cause devastation on the native species. Probably, the most unbias wayto say it is keeping such pets is a selfish act. I am.saying this as a person whose whole business was animal husbandry selling to the pet trade for.manybyears. but there is little ethical justification outside rescue. and in that situation, there is an obvious end game of keeping pets as they wont be breeding anymore. It is a hard thing to justify ethicallyto be fair. I ran out of excuses and had to face the music. it is really just selfish wants we keep them. and when it comes to cats in Taiwan, I think objectively it is fair to say only take rescues, keep them indoors and exterminate their them outdoors for conservation reasons. the ones keeping them indoors, let them recognize ABC objects come with something they dislike. punishment rarely works with cats, they are far too selfish and entitled, unless they are old…then maybe. otherwise, dissuade them with things like nature does. nasty smells, tastes etc. all the cats I have ever seen soon learn stink bugs are a no go, but they wont stop killing frogs. the reason is very simple.

I suggest spicy or bitter sprays. as mentioned above, spicy come with human I’ll effect.

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Given reasonable indoor space and opportunities for play etc., it doesn’t seem like such a bad existence for them.


Agreed. But I think it is fair to say that is very much in the rare minority. most people have apartments or rowhouses. not enough.

Like people thinking birds are good in “big cages”. Or the majority of the aquarium trade here etc. False, selfish. not trying to be a dick, but objectively selfish and not adequate for the animal. pet owners need to start thinking about the pet more than themselves.

dont get me wrong. I love animals. and crave having pets. but my love for them is what stops me from keeping them. I am unable to provide an adequate environment for them. I could only provide a shitty space and when I play with them see them smile and pat myself on the back. I Cant justify it anymore outside if temporary rescues.

some people do take great care. it is just rare here due to real estate costs and space needed for animals that spread a large range.

That’s what I mean. I think it’s basically enough, when you consider the alternative of “no existence”.

Ya, that goes into the quantity vs quality thing though. probably best for another discussion, but honestly speaking…no, it is not enough. as a rescue it is justified to jail an animal meant to roam, but to keep breeding them and keep them in jails and force feed what we want and punish them for playing with our stuff is not really ethical if we are being true to the species. Far from it.

I don’t know what that means. I think it can be if we’re just trying to give them an enjoyable existence with love, snacks, and fun. Even if bred, it’s still an essentially happy existence as compared to no existence.

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It’s not recommended to let cats go outside, where cars, other cats, mean guys, Chinese restaurants, etc. will hurt/kill/eat them. Not to mention the cats eating wild birds, and I got neighbors who likes to air out their small birds outside of their cage, and my cats are serial killers for small birds (I wouldn’t want to be responsible for someone’s pet birds).


Oh, come on…Chinese restaurant aren’t serving up cats. Dogs…maybe.

I’ve misread the title of this thread over the last two days as…

  1. Cars stealing parts
  2. Cats stealing pants
  3. Cars stealing pants

Number three is the one most likely to become a Michael Bay film.

I would say stop blaming your cats for a situation created entirely by you. And tidy up.


Ya, that is the excuse the meat factory gives as well. Or jail, assisted suicide etc. I guess this is always the debate on ethics. I agree with you on rescues. But breeding I do not. At least so far as how the vast majority live. I liken it to breeding humans to live in jails. they have space, food, clothes, activities etc, like a cat. but it isnt natural for the species to live like that. That is what I mean by being true to the species. Acknowledging their needs in an unbias way.