Clubbing culture vs the States

You need a crew to get a table. Nothing sadder than Billy Nomates sat at his own table.

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OP has implied a few times that he doesn’t go to the club alone, although one can’t be sure exactly how many people the use of “we” suggests. How many mates constitutes a crew?

Vinnie, E, Turtle and JD are an entourage so maybe five or six are a crew?

I wouldn’t mind the clubs if they got rid of the music, dancing and flashing lights. Maybe put the cricket on. And draft ale.


As in “cash me outside howbow dah”?

Never had any problem with bouncers in Taiwan, but I can understand if they get edgy around foreigners, I’ve heard enough stories of exchange students behaving like “hey it’s Taiwan! poor country! people speak gibberish! laws don’t apply to us!” and grabbing bottles from VIP tables and so on.

How about you review that night assuming that the bouncer was in his right and you did something(s) wrong. I’m sure you can figure out how you guys could have acted a different way and avoided getting peppersprayed.

The clubs according to BD:



I think the last time I went to a club was about 6 years ago. It loses its appeal (and purpose) once you’re married.

I don’t think that I’ve ever noticed a bouncer in a club in Taiwan.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: From clubbing

Test cricket mind. None of this big bash rubbish.


You got to have an Arnold, I think


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Same! This thread doesn’t make me tingle but maybe throw up a little bit in my mouth. I feel like I’ve met the OP like a lot.

There is nothing glamourous about a club in the states. Dudes always getting in fights, girls getting groped harassed, shitty ahole bartenders. Don’t know what we’re getting all nostalgic about. But hey grass is greener.


Do you travel with a posse that gets lit and don’t take no sort of disrespect when chillin’ and tryin’ to, yo, get some attention from the ladies?

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Hence the focus on speed?

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You go out with that intention?

Most people in their early to mid 20s (I assume OP is in that age group) who go clubbing kinda do. Pretty much the only reasons people go clubbing is (a) get wasted, and (b) try to hook up with someone. It certainly isn’t for the music.

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They only kick you out if you’re being obnoxious.


More true in TW. Some Japanese clubs have great DJs.

In Uk night out its disgusting every weekend its like a war

Chavs. Chavs everywhere…