CNN Analyst Accuses David Webb of White Privilege. Webb is Black

The North did not care about slavery you do not understand the reasons for the civil war. Read up!

2 posts were split to a new topic: No name calling , please

A post was split to a new topic: From CNN

Read the quotes of why each southern state succeeded from the union. I don’t think you’re getting the correct history. It was a hell a lot more men of god who cared about slavery. Not saying the north was full of progressive people willing to fully intergrate yet. But you’re not giving a honest or at least accurate portrayal of history right now.

It was about Old landed white money versus New white money that’s what it was about. Read up!

…and how did the southern states economy work?


How far North?

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So when every damn state cited slavery as the reason for succession, it’s not true. Yeah ok. Time to get off the plantation.

it is over your head that’s why you didn’t go to an Ivy League College

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This seems a bit broad brushed doncha think?

Yew whites? I can assure you that most white people these days have long outlived any colonial benefits their racial ancestors tried to bestow upon them…save a teeny tiny minority of primarily East Coast blue bloods. Of course, they’re still white, natch. Should whites be compulsorily mixed bred in order to remove or lessen historic moral injustice from the white blood line? And in doing so, then being of mixed blood and ancestry, would they now inherit neo-minority status and the real and perceived social and economic difficulties that come with it, which would somehow balance out those historic injustices? And how far down would their whiteness need to go to achieve such a re-balancing? 1/8th? 1/16th?

I mean, what’s the solution? It’s a head scratcher. :idunno::doh:

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:rofl: this thread

Brasd, you sound like someone who just started dating a black guy. Am I wrong?

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What do you think of the fact that Harvsrd fills almost half their quota for blacks (40%) with immigrants (first or second generation who aren’t descended from slaves)?

A good question finally!
I disagree with it.

I’m still waiting for a bad question I can finally agree with.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: No name calling , please

Could you maybe post this article text so I can read it? It would help.