CNN Analyst Accuses David Webb of White Privilege. Webb is Black

Is @Dr_Milker racist, because he named himself after milk and milk is white?

No, just a milk supremacist. Anything else in your coffee is inferior. :sunglasses:

I know what you’re doing and you do too. And anyone who knows about white power hate groups will see right through you. And no milk is milk, and coffee wouldn’t make you personally like blacks if you drank it either.

Making a joke about how hyper-sensitive you are to anything related to race? Yes, you’re right I am doing that. You see offense where there is none, and you’re only embarrassing yourself with your ridiculous arguments and points.

It’s interesting that someone with a Caribbean black background would be arguing in favor of affirmative action for African Americans in the U.S. education system, as your group has higher rates of college graduation than whites. Caribbean black privilege?


Britain is no where near as racially divided as the USA. I guess you are referring to England. And I’m not arguing for affirmative action against white but against the massive influx of Asians. Do you think it would be healthy if nearly all post graduate programs in the US were dominated by Chinese nationals ?

No, the U.S. First and second generation Caribbean and African blacks are among the most successful ethnic groups in the country. They’re certainly not in need of any kind of affirmative action, if you believed in such a thing.


You and I both know that it’s a joke. If you think the :ok_hand: is actually an indicator of white power then you might want to avert your eyes from 80% of billboards in Taiwan.


Being an Asian American could also mean your ancestors were working on the railroads and blew up from dynamite, came after your ancestors entire family was slaughtered in Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.

How are we counting the privilege points here? +2 for being black but only +1 for being Asian. -2 for being straight? How many do you get if you’re gay? Sexually confused?


What in the wide world of sports makes you think that would happen?

Good grief.

In a thread discussing racial issues, knowing how that has been used recently, constitutes trolling at best.

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Why everyone has to bring up homosexual right with ethnic minority rights. We are mostly Christian people ok:rage:

But you’re not Taiwanese Lulus

Ok, but you still haven’t answered how one determines the disadvantages and privileges of being a particular race. Is it a point system? What if I’m a percentage black that were chattel slaves and my other ancestors were rich cold as fuck plantation owners with years of family money and land?

Like how does this all work?

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How has it been used recently? It’s my understanding that it’s been used by a lot of moderate righties and former liberals who make fun of people’s hyper sensitivity to perceived ‘dog whistles’ that arent actually there. It’s literally a joke. Could you make the argument that it’s been used by real racists? sure. But so have shoes. The big thing with the :ok_hand: is that its a joke.

Yet Ibis gets his white milk joke? I posted it as an example of the ridiculous perceptions of ‘racism’ that aren’t even there. Give me a break.


So if Taiwanese use it it’s innocent but if you’re not its racist?

Isn’t that a bit. . racist of you? Or at best hyper-nationalist.

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Yes, we all get that. But trolling is not allowed, what you are doing can you not say is not the very definition of trolling? It started from 4chan, the internet champions of trolls, I would hope trolling is not part of the discussion, but thats just me.

Seriously, what’s your hierarchy of privilege?

Whites on top, asian second, blacks 3rd, latinos 4th?

Or maybe it’s not a hierarchy? A point system?

What if I’m a African American who’s ancestors were the ones that sold slaves off to the Middle Easterns and Europeans but immigrated to America.

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These are good points. Trying to figure out the math on affirmative action so it’s fair to everybody is like trying to figure out what price to charge for every single product in a centralized economy, and we all know how that works.


Wow, I thought this thread might get crazy, but I wasn’t expecting it to get this crazy.

We have like 3 different arguments happening simultaneously.