CNN Analyst Accuses David Webb of White Privilege. Webb is Black

The admissions people want all kinds of diversity. Ethnic background, geography, family income, etc.

I donā€™t know much about Affirmative Action in the US. Does it include intersectionality? So, for example, would a woman of color with slightly lower scores than a man of color beat him when trying to take the university place of an Asian with higher scores than either of them?

Itā€™s not about being proportional to your percentage of the population. People learn better when you interact with those different from you.

Define ā€œlearn.ā€

But you said you donā€™t get diversity restricting Asians over whites. There are no circumstances where a white person could be more diverse than a Asian person? Thereā€™s some limit of diversity a person can have based on the color of their skin?

Theoretically yes, you get points for race, sex, etc. butut currently, women outnumber men in US colleges by a wide margin, so thereā€™s no need for that.

Seems a bit racist to put it this way. ā€œDifferentā€

What I meant was all else equal, restricting Asians in favor of whites makes no sense.

So why not now make it harder for women?

Some schools do.

Why? You said yourself you believe in some point system. A white trans female from a bad socioeconomic background with alcoholic lesbian parents with physical disabilities gets still gets less points in your system than a straight Asian male from a rich family.

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Iā€™m not a philosopher.

No, I said all else equal. A white trans female from a bad socioeconomic background should not get more points than an Asian trans female from a bad socioeconomic background.

This is what Andrew was getting at earlier, when he asked about what scoring system makes sense to @brasd.

The answer seems to be that itā€™s complicated. Most university programs (especially the private universities making up the Ivy League) are trying to do an end run around litigation by making their programs up as they go - or at least trying not to violate Gratz v Bollinger, a ruling by the Supreme Court that made racial and gender quotas illegal. It remains very, very complicated, however.

Youā€™re actually serious with thisā€¦how are the points judged?

But please, Iā€™ve met 4th gen Asian Americans who hangs out with only Asians from their own nationality backgrounds and study with zero sense of diversity and white males who learned multiple languages and traveled, athlete and musicians while into way more things and leadership skills.

How about we look for diversity in skills and competence.

Academic performance of 3rd & 4th generation Asian Americans isnā€™t higher than whites.

So pass two generations, the points also gets lower in your privilege scoring system. Do you listen to yourself?

Got proof of that that isnā€™t anecdotal?

I donā€™t see how asian Americans arenā€™t waking up to the ridiculousness of this entire thing. It all sounded good when diversity worked for us, but you see how clearly fucked it is with the Harvard case.

It is logical, it is like learning from two different books or all learning from the same book. Basic Logic

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