Coming soon to Taiwan? Rise of xenophobia towards Westerners

“it’s asked by government”
Yeah, right…



Post the fucking chart on their page


I’d rather stay inside anyways. It’s funny that us, the foreigners, are more concerned with practising social distancing and staying away from crowds right now than the locals. I’ve seen huge congregations every morning of people playing basketball, old ladies bum cheek to bum cheek doing their morning aerobics, along with scores of people at the usual eateries.

When it hits them hard they only have themselves to blame.


Taiwan factcheck center (Chinese site)

its now 2 weeks since tourists were banned wasn’t it?

there should be zero tolerance for this crap at this point.

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I entered on 2/3. Used the Egate. Last entry stamp into TW is from 2017, when there was no line at the actual person counter and the egate was a longer walk away :wink: . They’d probably deny me entry and tell me I’ve overstayed my visa.

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With new data


Edit: Source


It’s a global pandemic. Stay home. Avoid any non essential travel or contact.


-Deleted, my comment did anything useful

When you’re an expat, not at home, you are a guest. You’re welcome as long as you cooperate. This is not colonialism anymore.

There is a direct implication of welcoming somebody in your house, or region, or country and the consequences can be massive as they can kill your kids or spread a virus. So it’s understandable that people who are, in general, relatively bad at self-control (like all of us), ill informed or just idiots become a bit crazy when pressured by the current state of the world.

There’s probably an anti-Italian sentiment in Europe currently. Switzerland didn’t close its border soon enough, Italians flocked in, see where they are now. Italians from the South probably hate Italians from the North just because they took the night trains right before the lock-down of Lombardy and infected the whole country.

There is that thing called in-group favoritism. It’s just a normal self-protective behavior. It’s currently exacerbated because of the situation. You’ll have to live with that for a while I am afraid.

Fuck that bullshit.
There are plenty of non-Chinese people on here who have been productive law-abiding taxpayers in this country longer than most of these place’s staff members have been alive.
“Guest” my stripey ass.


Did u see the chart up there or what? Please don’t entertain this crap.


This has nothing to do with how much tax you have paid, and has nothing to do with rationality, or truth.

This is a democracy and a country that favours human rights. There are ZERO excuses for xenophobia.


who invites a badger?


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: What is ethnicity?

You guys are going to be unsurprised by this but here goes.

Taiwan’s consumer protections are piss-poor weak. This leaves businesses with free discretion to discriminate. Minus the anti-discrimination laws for telecom regulators, there isn’t much.

However, Mr Kevin from the MP’s office, while forwarding this latest incident, suggested this.

  1. Arrive at the premesis, even if you don’t plan on attending and strongly, but politely express your complaint.
  2. Boycott the business indefinitely unless they rectify the issue and/or apologise.
  3. Share with other friends, foreigner or Taiwanese and encourage them to do the same.
  4. Formally complain to the FTC.
  5. Resist in other ways you can think of.

And. Please keep everything you do legal.


Obviously, they are not excuses, they are explanations. The vast majority of people still behave properly.

People behave properly.

Disconnected laobans do not.

An explanation is not necessary, they’re not being held up at gunpoint. All we need to know is to express that this is unacceptable and that we will not accept this.

That means not cooperating when your rights are being attacked. If I let someone into my home. I cannot demand them to certain acts, even inside my home.


I guess what you are expected to do something is the “it’s asked by Government” part.