Coronavirus - America

The social restrictions don’t matter if people don’t follow them.


And maybe he was like the vast majority of people, impact was the same or less than that of influenza.

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Folks please stop claiming that Trump is just like every else. He was the beneficiary of some of the very best medical care in the world!



Also he’s like a fucking God. Nothing can stop him. Americans just love him to bits innit?

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He was, or it could be that he’s like at least 80% of people who require no medical intervention, or over 50% who don’t even know they had Covid-19. Percentages increase dramatically with decrease in age.

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He’s fat and 74 years old. He is in the relatively high risk category.

I agree this chart stats seems to be out of date with rates on the high side and I am looking for more recent country by country stats to compare.

However we can probably get an idea of the RELATIVE risk amongst the different age groups and how it jumps dramatically in the 60s and 70s and 80s age groups.

Once again though it would be nice if others could post up some well researched stats too instead of random comments.

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Maybe he wasn’t like the people that died?

Trump had a 5% or so chance of dying even without medical intervention.

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The risk of dying does tend to increase substantially the older one gets.


Good job! Keeping the bar low.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Coronavirus America (November 2020)