Coronavirus crisis open thread - March

Before I showered half an hour ago I had a Chinese stamp on my forehead that I’m told says my temperature checked normal, so I’ve already been marked visually.

Circulating antibodies are admittedly a bit more long term but I still wouldn’t have a problem with that.

Its not the Star of David, after all.

At least I don’t think it is…this is a Christian University though…

er…whats the Chinese for The Star of David?

maybe 大衛之星

Who dis?


I can’t imagine, but he’s famous now!

@Andrew0409, whatcha doing during lockdown?
Learning how to paint to match your facial hair?:sunglasses:

Looks like those pasta pounds are starting to show. :grin:

Cooking and eating as I’ve said haha.


Idk why my face looks so bloated. I’ve lost a lot of weight since coming to Italy. But my weight fluctuates so much and I’m not really keeping track these days.

She’s evil
I wouldn’t mind if the virus kills her

It’s the fault of the stores though not to limit the sales of these items though

The guy is not deserving of respect like his dad was
He may be the downfall of the Thai monarchy

So if the death toll #s are our most accurate indicator, are we dividing 40,000 dead by .01 or .0066 (not sure where that last # came from)
Do we have 4M infected or 6M worldwide?

Well just got an alert our stay at home had been extended from April 7 to at least may 3

Everyone is on the same side of this “trade”.
Idk, my gut feeling is too many people are trying to analyze the virus like technical traders analyzing stocks or indices.
The “great” thing about technical analysis is that it can always confirm whatever view a person has.

His Big Point #3 is good.

What this virus has done has scared most people into thinking about an untimely death (that appears to be quite painful) that they somehow can control. But, as those who have died before us over these past 10s of 1000s of years found out, they really are not in control. Their number came, and it was lights out.
All I am doing is not thinking too much, taking vitamins C and D, and maybe I’ll look for garlic pills (and practicing my musical instrument more).

Haven’t heard of that one before. Is it a self-isolation technique to scare off potential visitors?


Too long. OK, its not that. Phew!

Where ?

SF Bay Area
The calif governor declared March 1 for the whole state

Local govts like counties do have muscle to enact stay at home orders

The Bay Area was first In calif before the governor extended to the whole state

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That’s tough. Add oil

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