Coronavirus Open Thread 2021

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So … you can’t fly if you’re unvaccinated because of the risks, and you can’t fly if you’re vaccinated because of the risks?

They’ll be making laws against bright lights soon, in case people are scared to death of their own shadow.

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I found this from a Russian friend when I asked him about it:

My comment:

As far as we know, nobody who has presented a fake negative test or used antipyretics to mask symptoms has ever caused the virus to spread in TW. 14 day quarantine solves a lot of problems.

No outbreak has been caused by these things. If you present a fake test or use antipyretics to mask symptoms, you still have to do 14 day quarantine. 14 day quarantine will in the vast vast majority of cases take care of the problem because the vast vast majority of people who have the virus, they will get sick and be past the (most) infectious part of the disease in this period of time.

And what does that have to do with people coming from abroad? Again, that’s why they have to do quarantine and can’t just go out into the community with a negative test before the flight.

Again. Quarantine!

Quick testing is antigen testing. And false negatives are much more common than false positives because the specificity of rapid antigen tests is very high.

If a person has symptoms and tests rapid positive, that’s a reliable indicator they have the virus. Confirmatory PCR testing is pretty academic at this point.

If a person has symptoms and tests rapid negative, you should do PCR because the sensitivity of PCR is much higher and is more likely to catch people who are asymptomatic or in the early stages of infection.

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Taiwan’s testing and quarantine system isn’t foolproof. Detection dogs at airports would shore up an overwhelmed system.

. . . The airline said it did not know the passenger had left a quarantine location.

Detection dogs or even stray dogs are probably more reliable than PCR and the lateral flaw I mean flow tests…
Asymptomatic - I believe does not exist going off the study involving 10 million people I recall…

Pass the spliff.

Follow your leaders and do as they say not as they do as they laugh at you:

When someone becomes ill with the flu, they take things to relieve the illness. It seems that with corony the only thing you should be allowed to take is the ‘vaccine’. Everything else won’t work is the narrative. I wonder why?
Meanwhile in India one of the [corrupt] WHO has got into some bother it seems.

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And the funny part is that they’re discovering that the vaccines don’t work particularly well either, which must be a bit of an “oh, shit” moment for the politicians who thought they’d be flag-draped heroes by now.

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It would be interesting to see what the situation would be like if Taiwan listened to the naysayers and did away with masks, quarantines, border controls, and vaccines and just let it happen.

Wouldn’t we be surprised if none of those infectious disease control measures actually made any difference?

Perhaps causing/accelerating escape mutants as well.

What are you talking about?

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They work up to point, but out in the real world they don’t seem to act as the magic bullet that sends cases precipitously down to zero. I’m pretty sure the politicians pinned all their hopes on vaccines because, in their naive way, they believed vaccines would cause the virus to disappear from the face of the earth.

In the UK for example, several thousand new cases are still being recorded every day despite excellent vaccine coverage, same as September/October last year. The politicians now have to backpedal on their previous focus on cases (rather than deaths, which are roughly zero) in order to reassure everyone that everything’s under control.

The US is in a similar predicament, although as someone pointed out elsewhere that’s probably because vaccine coverage there is not uniform.

Nobody is going to do that ever again. Taiwan is the Hundredth Monkey, and lockdowns are going to be part of the standard toolbox for “managing” epidemics from here on in. I doubt the human race will regain any sense of perspective within my lifetime.

Same with supposedly less-harmful mandates like public mask-wearing: although nobody has been able to study and report on mask efficacy during the whole pandemic, perhaps because it would be “unethical” to have a control group of non-mask-wearers, early evidence was that it made only a modest difference - possibly none at all. And yet people now firmly believe that if they wear their mask while out jogging, 50 meters from any other living soul, they’re doing their bit to control COVID.

Virologists (some virologists?) seem to take this as a mundane fact of life. Robert Malone mentioned it in passing towards the end of the Weinstein podcast in the Ivermectin thread.

What vaccines are you talking about?

The mRNA vaccines are proving amazingly effective at driving cases down, and even more so in driving hospitalizations and deaths to if not 0 very nearly 0.

In Israel and the US states with high vax rates, almost all new cases are in unvaxxed populations. Israel had under 100 cases last week. Where I’m staying in CA, over 60% of the population has been fully vaxxed. The 7 day moving average of cases is a couple dozen.


All of them. They all work in roughly the same way, despite differences in delivery method.

You’re right, of course, that hospitalisations and deaths are reduced by vaccination. The problem is in two parts (I personally don’t think it’s a problem, but it’s a problem for policymakers):

  • Politicians turned the focus onto cases quite early on in the pandemic in order to maximize fear; they’re now hoist by their own petard, because cases have remained stubbornly high even though those cases are of little clinical importance. In fact this was not entirely unexpected given that the vaccines don’t necessarily prevent either infection or spread. But the politicians popularized the idea that vaccines would be the route to “zero COVID”. Perhaps not all countries did that, but many did. Taiwan appears to be on this path.

  • At the broad population level, there has been a rather unimpressive impact on cases and deaths. There is no discernible point of inflection in the charts coinciding with vaccine rollout (in the UK, for example, both were already way down from their peak several weeks before vaccine introduction). Hence the frenzied push to get 12-year-olds and other psychopaths vaccinated, because if only we could meet that magic 70% threshold, all will be well.

It’s also worth point out that if you don’t test, then you won’t see cases. Authorities in CA have presumably made the (perfectly rational) decision to stop testing for clinically-meaningless cases. Some countries (eg., Taiwan) are still testing frantically even when the “patient” presents with no symptoms.

The efficacy is not the same. Look at the stark differences in outcomes in countries that have used BnT and Moderna versus those that have used the Chinese junk.

As for the rest of your comment, I don’t really follow. Seems like you’re looking in the rearview mirror. The numbers today speak for themselves. In places with high numbers of people vaxxed with the mRNA vaccines, cases have plummeted, and hospitalizations and deaths have plummeted even more. Virtually all of the cases and deaths are in people who are unvaxxed, and the vast majority of these people have chosen to be unvaxxed for reasons other than medical necessity.

As I mentioned, I’m in CA, which is “reopening” tomorrow. The reality on the ground couldn’t be farther from the picture you’re painting. In the region of CA where I am, most people are vaxxed and ready to move on. People aren’t focused on cases and deaths anymore. Thanks to vaccines, people will be officially dispensing with mandatory masking and social distancing.

If you think this has nothing to do with vaccines, well…

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Why can’t you just stop there. :grin:
They don’t just reduce they almost completely eliminate deaths.
They literally are the magic bullet.

I’m looking primarily at the UK experience, which Taiwan is following closely.

Because the authorities have been relentlessly tracking cases regardless of clinical significance. They now have to stop lying and tell people that (a) raw case counts are not actually important and (b) zero COVID was never achievable.

There’s also the very real possibility that the virus may ‘escape’ at some time in the near future. Since the government has studiously avoided telling people why some groups were affected more seriously that others, it’ll be groundhog day all over again.