Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Jan. 2022

Because a large number of imported cases recently have arrived from the USA, not necessarily USA Citizens though.

ā€™ A cook at Taipeiā€™s scenic Grand Hotel was diagnosed with COVID-19, but tests on his colleagues turned out negative for the virus, reports said Saturday (Jan. 22).ā€™

But the most important in the article:

ā€˜The Grand Hotel, a red 14-floor structure from the 1950s, is one of the tallest Chinese-style buildings in the world. Numerous heads of state, including United States President Dwight Eisenhower, and prominent international personalities, such as Nelson Mandela, stayed at the hotel.ā€™

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Donā€™t forget what the Premier says.

ā€œPremier Su Tseng-chang states that there are not be a shift to level 3 yet, with most Omicron cases asymptomatic or light so farā€


Imported numbers are up mainly due to Taiwanese Citizens returning for CNY.
The emphasis has been a recent change as they now test on arrival at the airport and wait for results before the people leave - negative to Hotel, positive to ā€œHealth Careā€. Hence we now see a breakup of ā€˜detected at the airportā€™ and ā€˜detected in Quarantineā€™.


With Theresa Tam coming up on stage stating hot coffee burns skin.

This does show a shift away from looking at cases and judging things on how many people are in need of medical care.


Iā€™m not worried about getting sick. Iā€™m worried about goons in hazmat suits straight out of ET rounding me and my family up for a 2 week stay at the COVID Hilton because I was in a 7/11 the same time as a confirmed case.



Luckily, I think thatll end soon. Theres only so many rooms available

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It is scary and reasonably plausible. Not as much as 711 but if your fellow college teacher, with whom you share a common lounge where you spent time together cutting the rug, gets it, well, all teachers will go to quarantine and they will close the school, like Soochow University.

For 711 or Carrefour or traditional market, they alert you, to watch for symptoms.

I worry about going to the hospital. I live in a traditional market with crowds. My neighbors are young folk and work all over town. Our office compound has 3 different dangwei in site. I take the MRT daily. I worry and protect myself and hope for the best.

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I am actually amazed that the community spread is only 52 today. I was expecting an explosion of local cases.

A pleasant surprise on this drizzly Sunday afternoon, especially when it was dry and balmy from midnight til 9am with blue skies and partial sunshine.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Housing pets in case of quarantine

Genuine question: which people have been taken into quarantine? What levels of contact have there been? Iā€™d be surprised if anyone in 7-11 at the same time has been affected, but maybe Iā€™m wrong. My impression is itā€™s been things like classmates or families or roommates or co-workers, with prolonged contact.

(I still think itā€™s a bad idea, or should be voluntary: but I donā€™t think itā€™s quite the dragnet some seem to believe.)

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Basically like the contagion last time in the Taipei City neighborhood, they took the whole building residents because there were several cases in the same building without clear contact pattern so they assumed some transmission from faulty pipes or something. Hence, people were removed until the building was deemed safe.

The workers in Taoyuan are taken because the facility where they are is not helpful for epidemic control.

Same with Tasty employees. Several cases were already in quarantine when tests revealed they had the bug.

I really wish there was another way, but they need to keep the exposed safe and prevent further contagion.

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Why are you amazed?

The CECC is not omniscient. What theyā€™re reporting is the (positive) fraction of tests conducted; and of those, there will be a certain number of false positives and false negatives. And there will be a certain number of people who havenā€™t even been tested. And at some point an awful lot of people will have mysterious coughs and colds, while that bunch of silly old men sit there pretending theyā€™ve got it all in hand. And frankly, as long as they leave us all alone, they can carry on playing that game if it makes them happy.

Just because somethingā€™s in a nice colour-coded infographic doesnā€™t mean that all the inherent uncertainty of measurement gets magicked away.

Anyway, glad to hear youā€™ve drawn your line in the sand. Oddly enough, people will put up with all sorts of things being done to themselves, but wonā€™t tolerate the goons coming for their pets.


Hey. Donā€™t candy coat it. Tell us how you REALLY feel.


So in other words, those sent to quarantine are all prolonged contact: working or living together. Not people who happened to be shopping or eating in the same place. A 7-11 visit probably wonā€™t get you in quarantine, but a coworker or family member might.

To be selfish about it: now that the semester is over, my main chance of winding up in preventive quarantine is presumably either my wife or a bunch of my neighbors getting it.

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Or any visitors bring gifts other than cookies.

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Yeah, there wonā€™t be any visitors for a while! Increasingly skeptical the family Chinese New Year dinner will happen.

CDC Link to todays new cases.


I suspect that @Duke wont worry if CNY dinner is cancelled.

EDIT - Open the link to see it all, much has been striked out. Oh, and also, please like the original post, not mine.