Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Jan. 2022

More data over time


By using the word “worst,” you are asserting absence—that there cannot be any other outcomes worse than your “mild cold” claim.

I say this is BS as there are lots of other things that can happen, including heaps of folks put out of service, affecting medicine, transport, education, and many other sectors of our society.



the guesses thread has handy charts courtesy of @hansioux


If that is true it shows completely inadequate PCR test capabilities for Taiwan. They need the test more urgently inside for tracing already. That would indicate tiny possibilities for tracing. And good news for everyone, they won’t even get 1/10 of all infections soon…

Its the first step in Zero covid going down the gutter. Somewhere it should have gone in May already for my taste.

Anecdotal accounts from about a dozen vaccinated friends and family who have gotten it say it’s more like a lingering flu crossed with a hangover. So a bit worse than a mild cold imo. But still something we’ll all eventually have to endure.


are these the vaccinated or unvaccinated?

Supposedly this isn’t the case for people doing 14 day hotel quarantine. :confused:

I came back 5 days ago and it was a saliva test.

I guess this is the change:

It normally takes three to four hours to produce the results of a standard PCR test. The planned rule change means travelers may have to stay at the airport for a couple of hours after arrival before they can leave for government-run quarantine centers or quarantine hotels if they test negative.

Travelers who test positive will be taken directly to a hospital for further testing and treatment.

I’m not quite sure what they’re going to do with them at a hospital, considering they presumably won’t have any symptoms (since they tested negative just before coming).

Are the hospitals set up as quarantine zones?

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Well Taiwan is following up with their protective suits which are not scientifically proven at all. The plastic separation barrier for Taxi drivers, or open windows policy is way more efficient. What shall a suit bring it they still wear surgical mask?
N95 or ffp2 should have been the standard for a long time.

But it’s typical for panic to do measures for the show…

think its today

Good morning. Rise and shine and take care.

10 year old kid. Sigh. Also a family member of airport employee.


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Those steps sound way too much work for government officials.

More likely they will do something low effort yet highly visible, like closing playgrounds and hiking trails.

Edit: As someone said here earlier - I’m actually more worried about the government’s reaction to omikron than the illness itself. Hope we can make it to Chinese New Year without everything shutting down.


We needed to make an appointment (no more than two weeks ahead) to get a Moderna booster, and supposedly the line is jammed (I don’t know as my wife handled the details).


This is more my concern. I’m not worried about Omicron. The more concerning thing is that it does seem to effect children more than previous ones. That’s like because it spreads so easily, but still, kids are catching it more.

I would like to see Taiwan open up vaccines for children, just in case.


I would hope that Taiwan would base that decision on the data for what Omicron is doing to children vs. what the vaccines are doing to children. If the data is insufficient, what do they do? Err on the side of caution by allowing the vaccine and so preventing chance of long term health issues, or by not allowing the vaccine and preventing the chance of long term heart problems? Or allow the vaccine but ensure it is accompanied by full disclosure of the risks for and against and make people responsible for their own choice? (A discussion of what data is available will probably take us off topic) A point related to this is that my niece is apparently receiving her booster painlessly through the breast milk of my sister, who was initially anti booster but has recently changed her mind.

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I wish they would stop caring like the rest of the world. I don’t understand what their end game is?? Zero cases forever?? They might as well become N. Korea at that point. Let’s hope they wait at least till it’s holiday.


19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Open Thread 2022

Well my company has cancelled the weiya already. Which leads me to suspect it’ll be a big number today. We’re big tech so we get the heads up ahead of everyone else.