Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Jan. 2022

I meant worldwide deaths – the chart silly.putty posted showing the upshoot of cases.

Deaths doesn’t have the same increase.

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Wonder if we could redirect some of those incoming flights to CAN (aka Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport)? :neutral_face:


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The ones from the USA perhaps?

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I’ve heard the dim sum is excellent in Guangzhou. Plus they have some newly built facilities for your quarantine!


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Who says Chinese aren’t creative in keeping their building industry afloat in times of evergrande imploding.

It’s a great way of fostering the economy…
Too many houses being empty. Just divert and build quarantine cities…

So do you mean it’s likely Taiwan gets swamped with many domestic cases soon?

I dunno, I just wouldn’t be surprised if people are walking around asymptomatic or with minor symptoms given how easily Omicron spreads.

It’s why lockdowns shouldn’t be based on cases (what does it matter if 10,000 people have a cough) but should be done on hospitalisations. They are what matter. I’d rather they not be done at all–but if there is going to be lockdowns, it should be based on hospitalisations.

I believe Taiwan goes to Level 3 if there’s 10 local cases in a day. Pointless if they’re all asymptomatic.

They’ve been extensively testing contacts of confirmed cases, symptomatic or not, and it looks like today they’ve only managed to find 3 more cases. Of course, there is a very small possibility that you have it, but I think “Could easily be it”, is overstating things somewhat.

Three cases confirmed in a bank in Chungli. This has just been announced.

Linked to Taoyuan cases.

That’s one person wearing a mask transmitting the virus to three bank workers.


This thing spreads so easily. I can’t see how it can be contained.


For how long are you going to try and contain it? For ever? Madness, madness.


And that person would have had their temperature checked on entry. Those machines are hit and miss at best.


So these cases were not reported during this afternoon’s press conference?

No. The presser gathers up yesterdays cases. These were confirmed this morning and the Taoyuan government decided to announce them because they want everyone with overlapping tracks to get tested.

You are assuming that they were symptomatic with high temperature.

Based on what I’ve read about omicron, that’s not how it spreads, with carriers often being asymptomatic during the transmission stage.



A post was merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

No one in the world thinks temperature checks do anything.


I don’t know why people are so shocked with the imported number. I’m more curious about how many incoming passengers we’ve been having these days compared to last week. Probably 5-10% of that would be count for that day.

This week is probably going to be the worst, since it’s about 2 weeks before LNY.

I’ve been an advocate for opening up.

But, I just know if cases spread, the government and mayors are going to shut everything down again. There is absolutely zero chance that any mayor in Taiwan will have the balls to say “look at the data from the rest of the world, Omicron isn’t serious–we can continue as normal. Just wear a mask and be careful.”

Instead they’ll say “time to put rope on the hiking trails again.”


This may the start of another cluster?