Coronavirus Taiwan Open - April-June 2022

Just watched it on some crappy streaming service. Fury is my man. Thought he’d retired, so was surprised to find out about his post-Wilder trilogy fight (mandated) with Whyte.

It was like being in a time machine. Not a single friggin mask in sight. Not a single one! Almost a shock to (not) see. I hope we can return to normalcy soon.

P.S. Whyte was fighting dirty from the third round (at least), rabbit punches, elbowing… His claim that a “push” precipitated the TKO is bull. Hope that Fury can retire in undefeated glory or, perhaps, pursue a career in singing. Great fight if you can find it.

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Football has been like that a while. Nobody cares there.

And Heathrow airport :laughing:

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Note the people dying nowhere except HK. Couldn’t possibly be due to a difference in government. Nope.

You should probably take another look at the statistics or buy new glasses :grin:

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You should probably take a look at the statistics. In country after country, “omicron” deaths have been down in the noise, somewhere comparable to suicides.

And as various esteemed members have pointed out, the vax coverage in taiwan and HK is/was similar.

Except we use good vaxxes here. :grin:

Too many holes in the narrative.

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Ah, of course - Westerners are clever, and Chinese and Russian scientists are stupid. That must be the explanation.

So now we’re defending non-transparent and Compromised Chinese and Russian scientists?

Ooh boy. Can o’ worms we got here. Anything to disparage the vax. The vax is evil. Even defending freedom haters. Can’t stray from the narrative.

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I’m not defending anybody. All of the covid vaccines are and were useless. They knew they were useless from the earliest trials (go and look at the Pfizer data). And they were all given approvals via fraud and collusion. Specifically, they’re useless against omicron. You know this. You’re one of the few people here with enough math skills to actually understand the numbers.

Taiwan looks like it does because that’s how omicron behaves, vaccines or not. Taiwan looks like everywhere else, apart from what looks like a much faster spread. It doesn’t matter in the much, of course; it’ll just be over sooner rather than later.

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Dude, you lost me at defending China and Russia. Better luck next time.

You’ve continued to bang this drum even when proof of their efficacy has been shown to you.

Too many holes in the cherrypicked narrative.

I know that this narrative suffers greatly from confirmation bias.

The fact that China and Russia and their lack of transparency were defended is already disappointing. Very disappointing.


LOL. Even the manufacturers concede that they’re mostly useless now - why else would they be telling us to get neverending boosters?

Where are these holes exactly? I told you to go and look at the totality of the data instead of shouting “but look at HK!” at every opportunity. How is that “cherrypicking”?

The vaccines explain none of the variance in Taiwan’s experience, unless you’re interested in the possibility of antibody-dependent enhancement causing omicron to spread like wildfire.

When you throw around words like “confirmation bias” and “cherrypicking” without the slightest appreciation that you’re indulging in precisely that, I have to wonder if you even know what they mean.

“Were defended”, eh? By whom were they defended? Where? I did no such thing. I was suggesting that, if your hypothesis is that Chinese vaccines kill people, that’s (a) even more outlandish than my position that they’re all basically ineffective and (b) not supported by the fact that China has (apparently) had the same health impact from omicron as the rest of the world, ie., nothing.

Mostly useless or completely useless? You’re all over the place. The goalposts keep getting changed. If you’re gonna peddle a false narrative, at least be consistent.

This is what you’re saying, but not what is actually being observed.

Translation: I know you are but what am I?

By you, a few posts up.

That certainly seems like a defence to me. Our western scientists are transparent.

Don’t put words into my mouth Marco. I explained clearly what I meant and that’s now the second time you’ve said “no you didn’t mean that, you meant this”.

You carry on believing in your magic voodoo if you like. My prediction is that this will all be a complete nothingburger by the end of the month and the CECC will try to spin it out for another six months.

As for transparent Western scientists … Well, that’s true. They openly lie and commit fraud and don’t care who knows it.


If I had a nickel every time the narrative changed when it was convenient…

I’d have more riches than Elon.

Ok. We’ll just continue living normally in Taiwan like we’ve always had.

Here’s the phone number to MI6.
020 7008 3100

If you get a conviction for fraud, which is illegal. I’ll believe you.

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Discobot will remember your words. :robot:

Unfortunately, there will be no one going to jail for any fraud related to vaccines, fake data, lockdowns, etc., because that is how this current shitty real world works. Zero faith in either side of the aisle of politics. Will only believe someone if they sign a paper in their blood saying they’ll only work 1 term in office and then subsequently live under the shitty rules that we do, but the politicians don’t. Okay. off soapbox. Back to Johnny and Amber’s trial.


Since you’re a stickler for detail though (Marco), and since Finley’s a bit casual about hyperbole, let’s make sure the rules are understood.

  • Does the complaint of fraud need to come from Finley himself, or can it come from anyone?
  • Who qualifies as a “Western scientist”?
  • Does fraud not directly related to COVID-19 count for the purpose of this challenge?
  • If only COVID-19 fraud counts, does it need to be about a COVID-19 vaccine, or can it be about testing, non-vaccine treatments, etc.?

Can somebody please explain to me why everyone in Taiwan acts as if they had never expected Covid19 to spread to Taiwan? Mind you, I am not claiming that Covid19 is not a potentially dangerous virus, however, it is also not the Bubonic Plague. Why are Taiwanese people not more concerned about Taiwan’s deadly traffic or its incompetent politicians who keep promulgating absurd policies?

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Many of us have asked that question a lot, especially about the traffic.
I will say Taiwanese seem a lot less worried about it than they were during last year’s outbreak. Actually, I haven’t met a single Taiwanese who seems that concerned about it. They all say “don’t worry, this strain isn’t serious.” :man_shrugging: Their understanding of the virus seems a bit linear (“very serious!” “very not serious!”) but at least it’s moving in the right direction. I don’t have a lot of complaints about CECC’s approach this time except the ridiculous travel quarantine not being adjusted, but hopefully that happens soon.

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