Coronavirus - Taiwan Open August 2021

You are correct. In the part I quoted, this is indeed a major vector of transmission. It is also super easy to identify and trace, and very difficult to police (except for new arrivals, hence the end to quarantine at home on arrival).

If you have hundreds of people coming in and out of McDonald’s, however, potential contract tracing and containment gets that much more difficult. I do see their point in being cautious, even as the economic impact really must sting.



At some time we’re going to just have to stop counting cases because thing is, variants keeps popping up and the economic damage is already beyond measure.

And once you are fully vaxxed your chance of dying or having long covid is so low that you’re more likely to die from many other causes, even from all the new variants that seems to pop up every few months.

Even in America all the variants are causing problem and unvaxxed people are most at risk. Even President Biden is basically giving people 100 dollars to get vaxxed.


There are still heaps of unvaxxed people in Taiwan. Very few have received a double dose.



Actually they make people go online to register for vaccination, so what about the people who don’t know how to use the internet? There are heaps of people like this. Guys who are functionally illiterate or barely literate. I can’t really help them register as it requires authentication that only they can do.

Economic impacts sting with some more than others. It’s easier to be cautious when others get stung.

EDIT: What we need is a large garden tax or a multiple home tax to pay for the attempts to control Covid. I’m sure the politicians will be highly supportive.

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He should be, but I started doubting that.

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Hey, so beaches may be opening again in a couple of days? If I’ve got it right, this was from the press conference with the New Taipei City mayor.

New Bloom’s article about today’s developments:


I was sanctified in raw sewage, I think Vaccines would help me, but if my friends say covid wasn’t as bad as they thought in my age range then I think I’d be relatively ok, I’d still rather face it vaccinated. preferable with an mRNA vaccine or novavax if it’s as good as they say it is.

New Taipei City Info - 8/1

Some ocean sports will open conditionally on 8/3. SUP, canoes, windsurfing. But, no swimming, no snorkeling. Everything I could find in the beginning didn’t indicate surfing.

Finally found surfing in point 3 of the New Taipei City press release.

Full New Taipei City press release. Point 3 deals with ocean sports.

Press conference of 8/1 with Emperor Hou and his minions.

Beach information begins at the 28:40 mark.


Thanks for posting this.

Crossing my fingers for Yilan to do the same.

Swimming fraternity are going to be raging .

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The mask issue strikes again!

This popped up in my Facebook feed yesterday or so. I mean…at this point you may as well just let the guy take off the mask… :thinking:

Meanwhile, people in fish markets in kee lung are packed in like sardines. Totally retarded fucked up stupidity.


Sounds like torture to me. You can lie on the beach in 38°C heat but can’t go in the water to cool off. Hopefully it will not be enforced like the last time swimming was banned at Shalun in 2012. I saw some people paddling, so copied them. Then I tried lying down in the water at the same ankle depth and a policeman asked us all to get out of the water. I guess there are more than a couple of ways to get round this without breaking the law. Swimming in a mask should avoid any fines even if one is asked to get out of the water. I have managed a fashion of breast stroke and laid on my back in the sea without getting my mask wet. However, this becomes more difficult in choppy water. Another would be to find some manner of bucket amongst the high tide detritus and cool off by pouring water over one’s head upper body.

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And, it is Ghost month. Some Taiwanese peeps will stay well clear of the beach. I guess if I show up at the beach with a frog mask on I am technically safe to swim in the sea.


I agree. This sounds so fucking stupid, but pretty much par for the course.

Ok…let’s try this…how about putting on a mask and wading into the water up to your chest and/or shoulders, keeping your head above the water, mask on and responsibly social distanced. You know, like wading into the water. It’s not swimming after all, it’s standing.


this relates to how Taiwan will proceed from here on.

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That study:

469 new Covid cases detected.

Only 5 were hospitalized.

4 of those in hospital were fully vaccinated.

2 of those 4 four fully vaccinated patients had underlying medical conditions.

No one died.

CDC changed the national mask policy because of it.

Sounds perfectly reasonable :smile:

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My 4 year old daughter finally went back to her Kindergarten today. I love her, but after 3 months of nonstop stuffed animal tea parties in our cramped apartment, all I could think was….



I don’t really get why there still lockdowns in USA and Taiwan. Who are we protecting?

Anyone with a serious risk of death is fully vaccinated, or will be soon. Hospitals are coping with cases and will continue to cope as symptomatic cases drop.

Of all vaccinated people, some still have a small chance of dying. But then they could die of flu or other illnesses.

At some point it’s not worth destroying the economy to protect a minority of a minority.