Coronavirus - Taiwan Open July 2021

Chen heavily hinted today that July 12 was the end (thank god).


I would still wish that people who do not have to be at an office do not go to the office until we get a significant portion of the population vaccinated, just as a precaution.


Really? That would be good! How can you tell it was a ‘heavy hint?’ What was the hint? I don’t understand Chinese and didn’t watch the briefing.

There is a chance based on current number of cases that restrictions will be eased off a bit but not completely level 2 yet after july 12. But then again we shouldnt just beleive whatever mr chen says. Today he is saying restrictions will get lifted. Tomorrow if cases increase, he will say it wont happen so its not like a gaurantee of any sort. The way he predicts is the same way any of us can predict because neither mr chen nor any of us can actually with full confidence predict what will happen. But being hopeful and optimistic is always a good thing

Sounds like a covid nightmare. What could go wrong !


I think he said it is not impossible or something like that.

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Why that particular place and not other businesses in different places? Is that a special place? :thinking:

Im sick of the whole country being locked up because Taipei governments can’t get their shit together.

Example above !


If you knew that area specifically…And you know that Wanhua is / was the epicentre…You will know why this is a bad idea.

An Irish guy just collapsed and died on the street from covid not just a few days ago. It’s not completely eradicated in that district.

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Tell that to the people that already are back in the office as of this week. More people on the streets here compared to last week at lunch time. Schlepping everything back to office to eat.


I think the rest of the country is relatively in a good place but those districts in Taipei are going to seed more clusters again when things relax.

I’ll bet a whole hundred ntd we will see a new cluster around hair salons or a market in wanhua soon…Just two weeks will do it if they have all opened again.

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This a thousand times. Why do I have to go through this 2 month hell in Kaohsiung, when we have had less than 30 cases in total here since this first started in early May? They should’ve just shut down HSR and only allowed highway access for cargo and supplies in mid May and let the rest of the country function as normal until Taipei and NTC was tamed.


I hope lots of people will take the scooter and don’t crowd the MRT system and buses.

You’re not in “hell.”

Your government did a really good job at making sure things didn’t take off in your city. You’ve done good!



Great. That doesn’t address the point about why northern Taiwan couldn’t have had a travel ban to the rest of the island while its COVID clusters were mopped up. Regional travel bans have been implemented in many other countries including Australia, USA among others.

Okay, purgatory.

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An Irish guy with Covid collapsed and died in the street.


What are today’s figures for New Taipei City and for Taipei?

Xinbei 20 cases; Taipei City 18 cases.


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Come on don’t be facetious he was overweight, covid positive and died in Wanhua suddenly on the road. The likelihood is very high that covid was the cause. It’s very unusual. Many other fairly rapid deaths have been attributed to it . One family had three out of four die.

Are you going to claim that they didn’t die of covid ?

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