Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

Just saw the news and sadly i was right. Trains and HSR are empty but highways are jam packed. Really worried about upcoming weeks now.


Of course. People are smart. Going by train might endanger themselves. So they go by car in their mission to democratically distribute the virus throughout all of Taiwan …


Older apartments without elevator.

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250 local cases plus 1 imported. 26 dead.

  • Far Eastern already started giving Moderna shots. AZ still distributing.

From news, not from presser.

Please don’t go out.


Deleted - Icon posted just before.

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It is really uncanny how the number always seems to be between 250 and 300 (at least the last week).


No please do post. The more, the better to check numbers.

New Taipei still ahead with 133 cases. Sigh.


Please stop.

The people who are going to go out and not take any precautions aren’t listening. Everyone else gets it already, and are capable of making their own decisions and exercising the appropriate level of caution.


Don’t forget the pilot that put it there.

Why are they still open?


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Yes. Last year - in March or April - I remember reading an article that interviewed a professor in Taipei who had done projections for Taipei based on what was happening elsewhere in the world and determined that a lockdown according to zones (sort of districts but some logical overlapping) would be best. He resurfaced in another interview recently. Of course, people mocked him that he was a…geographer, I believe, and not a dentist or lawyer or whatever qualifications for people currently making decisions are.

That would be dreamy. You have no idea how disappointed I was to find that I would not have this excuse.

Good lord. He’s not talking about welding people in their homes. He’s talking about not having people from Taipei and New Taipei travel elsewhere for a few weeks. Of course, you could make exceptions for family issues, etc but no human rights are going to be violated if people have to do all their shopping in…Taipei for a few weeks.

I do think that we should have done this for Wanhua. Shopping in Taiwan is so convenient that people could get everything they need inside their district. Schools are already closed and a lot of people are working from home. I don’t know if a quarantine area that is a third of the entire country would work though?


True. Still that is the message the authorities are pushing: do not linger, do not expose yourself to crowds/gatherings. Do not temp fate.

The ones that do not listen endanger the rest and the ones taking care of themselves can’t fight all that stupidity by themselves.


Not realistic, many people work in Taipei.

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And yet they continue to allow people to go to work, haven’t closed the markets, etc. Actions speak louder than words.

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250 cases with 41000 tests. The overall TPR probably leached a new low today at 0.6%, with the hotspots also having lower TPR. Hoping these downward trends can continue!


They are not. Look at the article with the vivid video as these guys get busted by the police.


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Sun bathing in Taiwan?

Taiwanese outsmart the system, or so they think. They should actually stay where they are going to never return.

Again, the economic consequences could be devastating, they are already bad enough.

Weren’t you saying proper caution is being exercised? Crowd control is a way. Buy more, go out less, is healthier, especially for oldies.

This morning on the news they were interviewing a white haired lady who was pissed because they would not let her in the market. "Why would I know about this? I don’t care about this kind of thing!"she said. Well, she does now and sets an example.