Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

Who woulda thunk?

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Just limit yourself to one walk a day say 8am to 8pm
and don’t forget the bead and milk on the way home.


Today people started breaking some of these taboos but in a responsible way in the neighbourhood. I saw folks playing catch with kids , football (not sure about that one as they are not family ), cycling, exercising.

Everything taped off but folks just get out there anyway.
I expect maximum 'fear of doing anything outdoors ’ will end this week and things will start to slacken further.

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where ya walking to, wanhua?


TLDR not enough data

I live at the bottom of a mountain. I’ve actually noticed a considerable increase in the number of walkers/ hikers. I hope the numbers don’t keep increasing.

There’s only so long people can be restricted from doing exercise and getting out to nature.


This is why i always think the short but drastic lockdown is better than the half measures that seem to drag out for ever.


People are not restricted from doing exercise outside with a mask.

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depends on the area and the excersise


The Government will wait until the figures are down to zero then wait another 6 weeks before lifting restrictions such is the level of paranoia here. 200 cases a day should be easily manageable. This is the fifth week where is the spread to the rest of the island? Oh this last weekend might have done the job to a certain extent.

Makes it sound inevitable

Yep, I can see one of the riverside paths from my place. Was going to take the kids out earlier, luckily had a look down first as it’s completely mental. I’m all for people getting out in the sunshine however it looked like Black Friday down there earlier.


There’s a whole thread about this and the “not enough data” excuse:

You guys are funny.
So overly dramatic.

Taiwan is not locked down.
You are not restricted to your home.
You are free to go on walks, ride a bike, go for a jog, kick a ball around with the kids, etc.

As long as the place you do it isn’t taped off, you are fine. Wear a mask, avoid the mid day sun and get some fresh air.

I take the kids out twice a day to ride their bikes, foot scooters, play some catch, let them run around. Nobody says boo to me. In fact neighbors see us playing and come join us.


Just make sure you’re not in a group of ten or more! :upside_down_face:


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Which gets at one of my biggest concerns about the tape. So much of the yellow tape is idiotic and can be safely (if not legally) ignored - which then makes people think other policies and guidelines are also idiotic and can be ignored.


Nah, we keep our distance and they keep theirs. If it looks like it’s about to get crowded, we pedal or scooter off to a different place to play.


I took the kids to play football. Only us. I saw another family playing badminton and a kid riding his bike. As it should be. When I took them last week, I only saw the odd old person walking about.

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Exactly. If you make rules that don’t make sense, people will get tired real fast.