Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments April 2022

Pretty much every country has gone through this and the progression is almost to a script.

First all the contacts need to isolate, but then once cases and contacts reach too high a level, they run out of teachers, medical works, drivers, factory workers, food processors, etc. and everything grinds to a halt. At that point, those deemed essential workers are allowed to go to work and back during their quarantine period and periods are shortened with negative testing added on.

I imagine we’ll see something similar here once essential areas start to be more adversely affected.


I know, crazy. I admit that government officials privately are pretty much aware that Taiwan is following the paths of nearly all other countries. Unfortunately, they are bureaucrats and just doing what typical other countries’ bureaucrats have done under the same circumstances: never admit mistakes and withhold as much information as possible from the public about clear-cut future plans.


Ko seems to have done a real about-face from his earlier (few months ago) stance … possibly because it’s now affecting him personally. I’m wondering why people like Ko (who has plenty of political clout) aren’t speaking up a lot more forcefully about the CECC and their assumed authority to put the entire country into quarantine, for no purpose that they can coherently explain. There must by now be a large cadre of politicians who can see the insanity of this and know full well how it panned out elsewhere. What on earth keeps the CECC in power? What leverage do they have? Do they have secret video footage of group sex in the legislature or something? And are politicians who might cause trouble for the CECC being put in their place with “quarantine” orders?


Back when I read this, I thought it was strange that Premier Su had to actually “deny” CECC would cease operations in June. Why was the question even asked?
The wording appears like the question was asked while Su was at the LegYuan.
Perhaps by KMT legislator. Anyway, weird. But again, there’s weirdness everywhere since December 2019.

Su also denied that the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) is to cease operations in June.


So is there clarity on the gym stuff yet? 3 shots “requirement” or just “recommendation”?

Been saying this.

Taiwan always makes overly strict rules. Makes a lot of laws. But after a short while they realize it is impossible to follow them. So they get changed or people just ignore.


They’re obviously not, so why is that even a question? We are now pursuing a co-existence model, which is a pleasant surprise considering where we were a year ago.


Yes. Once again we are only at Level 2.

There is no Level 2, only Zuul.


I would say we were more pursuing a controlled spread model

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I think you’re both right. They’re hoping for controlled spread in order to achieve co-existence.


I wonder whether a controlled spread is even possible with Omicron, especially when I consider my activities the last week or so: went to the pool and swam with many others on Sunday (my son had his lesson while I swam my laps), went to church on Sunday (lots of people because of Easter), went to a crowded Korean restaurant on Saturday, my daughter went a friend’s house on Saturday, school as normal for my son and daughter, etc. I’m not really sure what has changed. Oh, there’s a shifting of wfh at the office (about half the secretary pool is gone on any given day). Here I am in my office typing away without my mask on. I guess I should put it on.


Yeah, that’s what I meant to say!

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The other problem is we only reach co-existence once the elderly and other at-risk vaccine refuseniks either get vaccinated or die. I suppose they might die at a slower rate if the plan comes together.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: COVID-19, Vitamin D, and Taiwan


If you get a positive rapid test that you do yourself, is it then free to get a PCR test?

Because last year I got a notification from the government that I was a contact of a confirmed case, and since I had symptoms went to do a test, but then afterwards I was charged for it.

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could someone explain to me these 10 days of self-isolation nonsense? if I was a contact, did the test and it’s negative, I still have to stay for 10 days. Then after 10 days, I come to work and I’m a close contact again, do the tests, negative again, another 10 days? no wonder less and less people scan qr codes or use the tracing app


Get ready for surprise roommates


This does not look good. Dang.

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This will be explained away as a mistake by the hotel. But damn! That would suck and if it happened to me I would be going postal and looking for how I could be compensated.

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