Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments July-October 2022

As of publication, 120 children under the age of 13 have contracted COVID in Taiwan and 25 have died from the disease.

Well that’s clearly a false statement. Over 20% of <13 year olds are dying? :man_facepalming:t3:


Chuang said that when unvaccinated infants and young children become infected with the virus, the probability of severe disease is higher than that of unvaccinated groups. He stressed that it is important to “Always give infants and young children a chance to get vaccinated” to reduce the risk of severe illness.

Unvaccinated kids are now in more danger than unvaccinated old people???

Can you just roll up this baby’s sleeve? Listen to the press conference. Don’t worry about the news from other countries. They don’t understand Taiwanese culture.


Love Taiwan, but this arbitrary border BS and the ongoing mask mandate is embarrassing.

What a shame that Taiwan did everything right at the start and ruined it all in the end.

Time for Taiwan to open up and drop the mask mandate right away.


Is there something in their official statements that led you to think this would happen?

With BA.5 waves in Japan, the US, and elsewhere, why are you convinced now is the time they would suddenly change?


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Not convinced, just pleading. We are suffering in 35C-40C heat with facemasks. Our health is deteriorating because of the masks, we can’t breath easy in this heat, our faces are covered in pimples, It’s beyond acceptable, borderline torturous. So many people’s skin has been destroyed by these mandates, and apparently useless against these new variants anyways so what is the point?


Not sure how many times you need to hear it. It isn’t going away. EVER

It’s endemic and we just have to treat it like any other common ailment.

You really want to live like this forever?


That’s another good point. If it’s going to be a forever thing then we need to divide up the land so all the people who don’t want to suffer under these torturous facemask mandates and authoritarian border rules can move to free and open spaces so we won’t bother eachother.

CECC head, ‘Must-Win’ Wang, is continuing the “fine work” of ‘Clock’ Chen of keeping everyone in a pig pen.
Great job, ‘Looks-Like-Now-A-No-Win’ Wang. :clap:


Some people really do


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

That is a wrong translation from Keoni.

A total of 123 severe cases of children under the age of 12 …
… 25 of the above cases have died
7/27本土2萬5521例、28死 增3例兒童重症皆為MIS-C | 生活 | 中央社 CNA

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That’s good. Wasn’t sure whether it was his error or an actual quote from a CECC person, but there have been some dubious statements along similar lines from the latter in the past. Thanks for clarifying.

But, just take the mask off outside. How many times do I have to say this? It’s your own call.


Note that in the article, “to reduce the risk of severe illness” was not in quotation marks, only the first part of the statement was:

So, presumably the CECC are not making the claim that it reduces the risk of severe illness and disease in the young, just that its important to give our little ones the chance to get vaccinated.

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IIRC, Chuang was the guy who said that 21.45% of unvaccinated seniors would die of COVID.

I see slawa found that it’s just poor translation, but even so, that mortality rate for hospitalized kids doesn’t make any sort of case for vaccination. 25 (additional?) deaths out of 3 million kids is more than you’d want, but can he guarantee a lower rate of harm than that if 1.5 million of them are vaccinated, and can he also guarantee that some of those 25 might have lived if they’d been vaxed? None of this is clear either from clinical trials (which haven’t been done in this age group) or from general experience.

@david1: they’d pulled similar tricks in other articles. The CECC says that something has to happen, and the journalist fills in some putative reason. Whether they’re instructed to do this is anybody’s guess.

EDIT: yup, it was he.

“Also, the fatality rate for unvaccinated people who are 80 or older and infected with Omicron is 25.5 percent, while the rate in those who have received a booster dose is about 4.07 percent,” [Chuang] said. “So we encourage unvaccinated older people to get vaccinated as soon as possible.”

There’s a Chinese version here which seems to make the same assertion based on some unnamed “British study”:

What an absurd! They always look for excuses not to open the borders.
Vast majority of countries have opened up but not Taiwan and China.


Yup! They keep changing the reasons too. It’s like they want to be excluded from the world completely.

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Actually, there has been a shortage of animal vaccines, especially the latest rabies shots.

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Just for the saje of argument, why is anyone out there in this friggin heat? Unless you are a construction engineer or any other outdoor job. It is 41 degrees, heatstroke is far quicker and certain if you go outside.

Now if you do not have AC, I can understand that. Worse indoors without it.

There are special masks with wider space that won’t give you hives or stick to your sweaty faces when biking/exercising. I gave you the links in the mask thread.

Now, if you need to go shop for food or take the MRT or bus, you can do it quickly. If your school is demanding you do jumping jacks with your students at noon in the middle of the school grounds, that should be grounds for suing. There are laws against that kind of thing.


What caused that?
Probably Covid paranoia.