Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments May/June 2022

Thank you.

Taiwan is doing abt 85K PCR tests per day now according to cookiebandit

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The Pathology laboratories will be happy, but the turnaround time will probably lengthen, while behind the scenes they will be ‘strongly advising’ the CDC that PCR tests must be maintained.

They don’t sell them at my Simplemart.


It was in the news that they are selling them for 900NT, might not be every simplemart

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10 class rule is out.

Looks like we are letting it rip now.

For high school, only the kids who sit close to a covid case have to isolate for three days. Is that right? Because they are vaccinated?

For elementary, the affected class still has to go home for three days and take one rapid test. Is that right? Because they aren’t vaccinated?

Universities are going online?? Is that right? Because the students want it.

My Chinese isn’t great so I might have made some mistakes. Hopefully someone else can confirm.


You know when you need to fart, but you’re in public so you let it out really slowly so there’s not a loud noise, but then you accidently shit your whole pants? Well, that’s what’s happening.


Brilliant. Too strict, too strict, oh fuck this doesn’t work, all rules cancelled


One rule per day to be dumped should end the mayhem within a couple of weeks.

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can we get back to cutting quarantine. Time to go from 7days to 5 days.


Fixed your question, Yes please.


If you actually have COVID you only have to isolate for 7 days now too…

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They still need to get rid of plastic dividers, spraying outside, temperature checks and masks.


OK thanks, I’ll check other stores, lining up to get the five packs looks like its going to be very difficult, especially since stores seem to get them at random times in the day and not for sale at 9am. I’m hoping the government can sort out the mess they’ve created, but I suspect this wont happen, or at least for some long period of time.


When the mayhem ends, the restrictions should be something like the following -

  1. Masks still required in certain places - Public Transport, Medical facilities (Clinics and Hospitals), possibly some others too.
  2. Confirmed cases to isolate for say 7 days, or until an earlier Negative test result. Those actually Ill should see a Doctor, who can prescribe whatever drugs deemed necessary, just like they would do if they had the 'Flu. Others living in the same house or work/school contacts not required to isolate but to self manage their health, but no requirement to report.
  3. Close contacts no longer traced.
  4. No more quarantine or pre-departure tests for those coming into Taiwan.

For all the talk about Digital Vaccine Certificates over the past year, many countries are not checking them, either upon entry, or at entry to various places.

Then we are “Living with Covid” - yes maybe Booster shots every 6 months or so, but better a sore arm for a day than all these complicated restrictions, which seem to be doing little if anything to contain the spread in any case.


Uhm… is “Classic Post” still a thing? If yes then I nominate this one!


What’s unnerving about this experience is a primitive lifeform with an IQ of 1 has stayed three steps ahead of us no matter what we’ve done. Unless we come up with a completely outside-the-box solution we’re going to be sitting ducks for future pandemics.


If we’re nominating that post, then I think we need to preserve @meishijia’s avatar with it.


That’s the look of someone who unintentionally lets it rip in public.


Another new measure was that people testing positive for COVID from Sunday (May 8) and showing no symptoms or just light signs of an infection would be allowed to end their home isolation after seven days without a new test, followed by seven days of self-health monitoring, CNA reported.

The CECC said this was possible because the Omicron variant was seen to be no longer infectious after seven days in asymptomatic cases, though it emphasized the relaxation of the measure would not be retroactive to cases diagnosed before May 8.

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